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PRIMA-News: Internet Access Only With Passport?

posted by FerrasB on February, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

31.1.2006 17:15 MSK
Internet access only with passport?
RUSSIA, Moscow. As of 1 July 2006, people wishing to use the Internet will have to present their passports, while organisations will need proof of registration. The decision on this was passed by the Russian government on 23 January.

The Decision no. 32, approved by the government, concerns «Rights of offering services for the transfer of data». It orders all providers offering access to the Internet to conclude with subscribers a contract including providing identification of the person.

In Internet cafés and other similar places it is unclear how this will regulate the sale of cards offering access to the Internet. However, the general nature of the regulations points to all access to the Internet requiring an agreement, or contract, with the provider.

PRIMA-News Agency [2006-01-30-Rus-30]

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PRIMA-News: Democratic Union joins Journalists' Action To Support S. Dmitriyevsk

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

30.1.2006 14:32 MSK
Democratic Union joins journalists' action to support Stanislav Dmitriyevsky
RUSSIA, Moscow. To voice its solidarity with Stanislav Dmitriyevsky, who is being prosecuted, Democratic Union decided to publish on its website the addresses by Akhmed Zakayev and Aslan Maskhadov. It was the publication of these documents in Pravozashchita newspaper that prompted Stanislav Dmitriyevsky's prosecution.

The address by Central Coordination Committee of Democratic Union, signed by Valeria Novodvorskaya, states: "To support the initiative of the Internet sites and and in solidarity with Stanislav Dmitriyevsky we will also publish on Democratic Union's website the 'incriminating' addresses and are hereby informing Prosecutor General that his criminals are breeding like rabbits (by literal exercise of Article 19 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the right to seek, receive and spread information and ideas by any means and regardless of state borders). We urge all the independent media to do the same".

Translated by ...
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Sergey Krjukov/Chechenpress: Doesn't It Be Worthwhile To Preserve Our Prison?

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

February, 9, 2006

Doesn't It Be worthwhile to preserve our prison?

CHECHENPRESS, the Department of letters, 09.02.06

People-forgiver is doomed to the degradation and the extinction.  

On Wednesday January 25, this year at winter session of PACE,  an event had occurred, which claims on the significance in the second place after the adoption of resolution on the censure of occupation by RF of Chechnya. The discussion deals with the adoption by the session of this organization of resolution with the need for the censure of the crimes of Communist totalitarian regimes, but it is done unambiguously in the form of certain tip for the community, that is, actually, always typical.

For this international body created for hypnotism of vigilance and reason.

First, there is no doubt that the exception from the document of the reference about THE USSR leaves no chances to human rights activists from Russia to produce on a legal basis of the ...
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AP/Boston Globe: Rice Skeptical Of Democracy In Russia

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

The Boston Globe
Rice skeptical of democracy in Russia
Sees some steps in 'wrong direction'

By Douglass K. Daniel, Associated Press  |  February 13, 2006

WASHINGTON -- Citing troubling behavior by the Kremlin, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice expressed skepticism yesterday about the future of democracy in Russia.

''We are very concerned, particularly about some of the elements of democratization that seem to be going in the wrong direction," Rice said.

Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, while on good terms personally with President Bush, has been criticized for centralizing political power and rolling back democratic gains.

Rice, appearing on CBS's ''Face the Nation," noted severe limits on nongovernmental organizations begun this year and Russia's use of energy as a weapon in a dispute with Ukraine this winter.

''I think the question is open as to where Russia's future development is going," Rice said.

Nothing can be gained by isolating Russia from institutions that demand democratic values from its members, she ...
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MosNews: Gorbachev Concerned Over Stalinism Restoration Under Putin

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Mikhail Gorbachev / Photo from

Mikhail Gorbachev / Photo from
Gorbachev Concerned Over Stalinism Restoration Under Putin

Created: 13.02.2006 17:44 MSK (GMT +3


First and last Soviet president,Mikhail Gorbachev, has expressed concern over the reanimation of Joseph Stalin’s cult in today’s Russia.

“What had appeared in the 1930s, is preserved now, too. We see Stalin’s portraits, see sort of a renaissance of (Stalinism) in the media, in the theaters, there are attempts to preserve Stalinism, it is very serious,” Gorbachev was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying at a news conference.

He reminded of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union where Stalin’s cult was deflated. He said that the Congress and subsequent Perestroika were “organically tied and this is the reason why some people consider (both events) as treason.”

Speaking on the current Russian president Vladimir Putin’s policies, Gorbachev said he was able to “overcome the chaos, the lack ...
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