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KC: Moscow Police Brutally Dispersed Peaceful Demonstration Of Caucasians Protesting Against FSB-Staged Pogroms

posted by eagle on December, 2010 as Freedom and Fear

Moscow police brutally dispersed peaceful demonstration of Caucasians protesting against FSB-staged pogroms

Publication time: 15 December 2010, 20:49 

Moscow police arrested on Wednesday over 800 peaceful Caucasian immigrants, protesting against FSB-staged Caucasian pogroms.


Immigrants from the Caucasus were rounded up by hundreds of baton-wielding riot police in dark helmets in brutal action. Some 3,000 members of Russian bloody special forces units in armored vehicles had sealed off the area around the city's Kiev station, where peaceful demonstrators tried to hold an anti-racist rally.


Numerous passersby rushed away from the area in order to avoid any possible police violence. The local subway station and a shopping centre were closed. Numerous injuries were reported. AP reporters could see police rounding men from the Caucasus.


A huge shopping mall just outside the station shut down hours ahead of schedule, and most stands at a nearby flower market, operated mostly by people from the Caucasus, were shut. Authorities towed cars early in the morning in ...

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Jamestown Foundation: Chechen Exiles Reportedly Live in Fear of Kadyrov’s Agents

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Chechen Exiles Reportedly Live in Fear of Kadyrov’s Agents

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor 
December 3, 2010 01:59 PM 

Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov.

The father of Umar Israilov, the former bodyguard of the Chechen President, Ramzan Kadyrov, who was murdered in Vienna in January 2009 after accusing Kadyrov of torture and giving evidence against him to the European Court of Human Rights, is expected to testify today (October 3) in a Vienna court at the trial of three men accused of killing Israilov. According to the Kavkazsky Uzel (Caucasian Knot) website, it is expected that Sharpudi Israilov, who spent about a year in a secret prison in Chechnya after being incarcerated by Chechen authorities trying to force his son to return to the republic, will tell the court about those prisons in Chechnya and name the people who tortured him (, December 3).

Umar Israilov, a former Chechen insurgent, was captured in Chechnya in ...

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The Other Russia: About Gagarin And About Myself

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

About Gagarin and About Myself

After spending nine days in a medically-induced coma andundergoing multiple operations, Kommersant journalist Oleg Kashin is thankfully on his way to a strong recovery. After a brutal beating on November 6 that left him with skull fractures, broken shins and a set of maimed fingers, Kashin is well enough to walk on crutches and joke about flirting with his nurses in Moscow Hospital No. 36.

In an interview with television personality Leonid Parfenov, Kashin said he has no idea who ordered his beating, that his assailants said nothing during the attack, and that a variety of the topics of his articles could have been motivating factors. But which one it was – the Khimki Forest, Kremlin-sponsored youth groups, or insulted Russian governors – Kashin couldn’t say. An investigation under the supervision of prosecutor general is still ongoing.

In his first article since the attack, Oleg Kashin reveals that, far ...

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