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CJES: Weekly Bulletin Of Events In Russian Mass Media

posted by FerrasB on December, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Weekly bulletin of events in Russian mass media
Issue No. 48 (201), November 21 - 27, 2005

This bulletin was prepared by CJES analyst,
doctor of political science Mikhail Melnikov (

I. Events of the Week

1. The number of Internet users in Russia will have reached some 21.8 million by the end of 2005, Russian Information Technologies and Communications Minister Leonid Reiman told a press conference in Tunisia on November 24. According to Reiman, the total number of computers in Russia (not including office computers) will exceed 17.4 million by the end of 2005.

The information and communication technologies industry has been growing dynamically for the past five years, Reiman said.

2. The heads of the Omsk media organizations are trying to consolidate the city’s divided journalistic community by creating a club of editors-in-chief.

The meeting between the heads of the Omsk media organizations held in the Omsk House of Journalists on November 22 was characterized by ...
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REN-TV's Romanova To Sue RTL Group

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Nov 30 2005 7:36PM
REN-TV's Romanova to sue RTL Group

MOSCOW. Nov 30 (Interfax) - Olga Romanova, a REN-TV television channel newsreader, has said he is planning to start litigation procedures againstthe German RTL Group, which holds a 30% stake in REN- TV.

"I am currently consulting German lawyers, who have agreed to help me. I believe RTL should have reacted to unlawful actions by the channel's management, but failed to do so," Romanova told Interfax on Thursday, referring to REN-TV's management barring her from hosting evening news programs.

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Adygeanatpress: Muslim Leaders Against State Orthodox Symbolics Of Russia

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Muslim leaders against state orthodox symbolics of Russia
The orthodox symbolics on the Russian arms causes ambiguous reaction of citizens of the country. The majority of Muslim leaders and scientists call up to take off orthodox symbolics from the arms of Russia. We shall remind: in the center of the arms of Russia the orthodox sacred George the Winner, killing the snake, is pictured; the head of the two-headed eagles is decorated with crowns and crosses; one more cross is on power symbol in the bird’s paw.

Russia is a secular and multi-confessional state, therefore the Russian state symbolics should symbolize multinationality of the Russian state. According to the latest population census, 10 percent of inhabitants of the country are Muslems and consequently the orthodox symbolics on the Russian arms is an infringement of human rights, as authoritative figures of Islam who have called representatives of authority to reconsider the affiar, ...
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Adygeanatpress: Muslim Leaders Against State Orthodox Symbolics Of Russia

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Muslim leaders against state orthodox symbolics of Russia
The orthodox symbolics on the Russian arms causes ambiguous reaction of citizens of the country. The majority of Muslim leaders and scientists call up to take off orthodox symbolics from the arms of Russia. We shall remind: in the center of the arms of Russia the orthodox sacred George the Winner, killing the snake, is pictured; the head of the two-headed eagles is decorated with crowns and crosses; one more cross is on power symbol in the bird’s paw.

Russia is a secular and multi-confessional state, therefore the Russian state symbolics should symbolize multinationality of the Russian state. According to the latest population census, 10 percent of inhabitants of the country are Muslems and consequently the orthodox symbolics on the Russian arms is an infringement of human rights, as authoritative figures of Islam who have called representatives of authority to reconsider the affiar, ...
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Civil Societies In Russia Fear New Bill

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

December 13, 2005
Civil societies in Russia fear new bill

MOSCOW (CP) - Alexei Simonov has worked as an independent media critic in Russia for more than 15 years. But he fears that a new law may soon put him out of business, along with hundreds of other non-profit community activists.

"The Kremlin can only think of a society in terms of discipline and obedience," says the grey-haired president of the Glasnost Defence Foundation, Russia's oldest media watchdog.

"This new law is aimed at striking fear into the non-governmental community, and changing the relations between state and society in ways I can only imagine in terms of our Soviet past," he says.

Under the bill that faces its crucial second reading in the Duma on Friday, all of Russia's estimated 450,000 civil society groups - from stamp clubs to student unions - would be forced to re-register next year with a special state ...
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