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CHECHENPRESS: Michael Trepashkin - An Example Of Honour, Courage And A fFdelity

posted by FerrasB on December, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Decmber, 7, 2005

Michael Trepashkin - an example of honour, courage and a fidelity to a civic duty

So-called nijnetagilsk "court" has once again executed Putin's and Petrushev's will and has left in camp for two more years of our comrade Trepashkin Michael Ivanovich. That lawyer of Trepashkin has proved participation of FSB of Russia in explosions of apartment houses in 1999, knows practically all world. Even before the first arrest of lawyer Trepashkin, many Russians doubted that their own special services are capable of such monstrous crimes against people. These naive "lovers" of the native land and her "protectors" in blue uniforms, with foam at a mouth proved: "Our people could never do this!"

After punishment of Michael Trepashkin, the idiots believing in cleanliness and sanctity "organs", even in a building on Lubjanka practically did not remain. That without court and investigation special services of Russia kill innocent, are engaged in terrorism ...
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The New York Times: Validity Of Missions Under Fire In Moscow

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Validity of missions under fire in Moscow

By C. J. Chivers The New York Times

MOSCOW Early this year, as President George W. Bush began his new term, he declared a vision with allure for many people living within the stunted democracies or autocratic regimes in the former Soviet Union.
"The policy of the United States," Bush said, "is to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world."
Eleven months on, Bush's inaugural challenge is facing an oblique but determined attack in territory once under Moscow's sway. The battlegrounds are elections, which offer a glimpse into an emerging nation's political health. At issue are perceptions. What exactly is democratic progress? And who gets to define it?
In much of the former Soviet Union, a patchwork of corrupt and semi-functional states where authoritarianism has proven durable ...
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The New York Times: Validity Of Missions Under Fire In Moscow

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Validity of missions under fire in Moscow

By C. J. Chivers The New York Times

MOSCOW Early this year, as President George W. Bush began his new term, he declared a vision with allure for many people living within the stunted democracies or autocratic regimes in the former Soviet Union.
"The policy of the United States," Bush said, "is to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world."
Eleven months on, Bush's inaugural challenge is facing an oblique but determined attack in territory once under Moscow's sway. The battlegrounds are elections, which offer a glimpse into an emerging nation's political health. At issue are perceptions. What exactly is democratic progress? And who gets to define it?
In much of the former Soviet Union, a patchwork of corrupt and semi-functional states where authoritarianism has proven durable ...
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The Japan Times: Invest In Russia Now? Forget About It

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Invest in Russia now? Forget about it

Special to The Japan Times

language=JavaScript> </SCRIPT> language=JavaScript src=";sz=300x250;ord=1134642066234?"></SCRIPT> JapanTimesOnlineAds
MOSCOW -- I recently attended a conference in Moscow aimed at attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to Russia. It was a high-level conference, organized by Interfax and Chatham House and attended by ministers, senior bureaucrats and leading businessmen, both Russian and foreign.

For a conference designed to attract FDI -- and there were many businessmen from West Europe and North America in the room -- it was a strange event. Usually at such conferences, the locals try to oversell their country, but in this case Russian ministers, officials and businessmen competed with each other to give the strongest reasons for not investing in Russia.

The minister for economic development and trade, German Gref, and natural resources minister Yuri Trutnev complained about the government for delaying, even reversing, economic reforms and about the bureaucracy for delaying and ...
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MosNews: Russian TV Head Dismissed For Virtual Conversation With Putin — Paper

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Oleg Poptsov / Photo from

Oleg Poptsov / Photo from
Russian TV Head Dismissed for Virtual Conversation With Putin — Paper

Created: 22.12.2005 10:43 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:48 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1135252134)); </SCRIPT>


The head of the TVC television channel, owned by the Moscow city government, has been dismissed after he presented a documentary titled Your High Loneliness, in which he holds a virtual conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kommersant daily reported.

Sources close to Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov told the paper that Oleg Poptsov knew that he was going to be dismissed and made a film out of revenge.

Addressing the president, the journalist expressed the opinion that the Russian leader is so lonely that there is no one to tell him how Russian people live, how the freedom of expression is suppressed, how corrupt bureaucrats are and how poor people are.

Poptsov was dismissed from the post of general director of the ...
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