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VOA: New Report Finds Journalists Facing Greater Risks, Death

posted by FerrasB on December, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

New Report Finds Journalists Facing Greater Risks, Death  
Protesters in Philippines (March 2006 file photo)
It is said that information is power. To stay in power, corrupt individuals and groups around the world censor, jail, and even kill journalists who reveal information about criminality and abuse of office. Journalists today face a wide range of risks - from legalized harassment to outright murder.

Journalist Madi Ceesay has challenged the rulers of his native Gambia to understand that power is not about the privilege of riding in a limousine, but the responsibility of serving ordinary people.

Ceesay was in the United States recently to receive a Press Freedom Award from the Committee to Protect Journalists, or CPJ, a non-governmental watchdog group. He says Gambian authorities view independent reporters as agents of political rivals, rather than advocates for the oppressed. Ceesay says his imprisonment in 2000 and 2006 sent a warning to other journalists.

"The message ...
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UPI: No Permit To Honor Slain Russian Reporters

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

12/13/2006 1:59:00 AM -0500
No permit to honor slain Russian reporters

MOSCOW, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- The Moscow city government has refused permission for a parade to honor Anna Politkovskaya and other Russian journalists killed in recent years.

A Moscow journalists' group planned the event for next Sunday, the radio station Ekho Moskvy said. The group said all it sought was permission to march peacefully through the center of the city.

Politkovskaya, who reported for Novaya Gazeta on human rights abuses in Chechnya, was shot and killed in her Moscow apartment building in October.

Others who would have been honored include Paul Klebnikov, the U.S.-born editor of the Russian edition of Forbes, who was shot in 2004 in Moscow; Valery Ivanov, editor of the newspaper Tolyatinskoye Oborzreniye in Togliatti, who was shot in 2002; Larisa Yudina, editor of the opposition newspaper Sovetskaya Kalmykia, who was stabbed in southern Russia in 1998; Vladislav Listyev, executive director ...
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KC: Anti-Putin Rally In Moscow

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Anti-Putin rally in Moscow
Publication time: 16 December 2006, 19:21
About 4000 Russians rallied in central Moscow to protest recent electoral law changes that the demonstrators said is enlarging Kremlin's growing authoritarianism.

The protesters were met on by thousands of helmeted riot police, soldiers, attack dogs and a circling helicopter.

Opposition leaders said the show of force revealed the Kremlin's fear of dissent.

The demonstration, organised by several opposition groups who united under the banners of the Other Russia movement, was dubbed the "March of Those Who Disagree".

The activists held banners reading "Russia without [president Vladimir] Putin" and other placards criticising his government.

A police helicopter made an almost continuous low circle over the crowd, drowning out chants of "We need a different Russia!" and "defend the constitution!"

Speeches were made by opposition leaders including former chess champion Garry Kasparov and Mikhail Kasyanov, former prime minister.

Organisers said police had detained 40 activists for alleged violations in Moscow ...
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KC: The Face Of Betrayer Or Satanic Squeak Of Russian Genes

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

The Face of Betrayer or Satanic Squeak of Russian Genes
Publication time: 31 December 2006, 16:42
In the recent times the organizations of Russians who turned into Islam appear more and more often. The books written by their leaders are being published and translated into foreign languages. The representatives of these organizations take part in various Muslim activities, held both in Russia and abroad. Moreover these organizations even get certain support from the government. They publish their own newspapers, have their own web sites, and muftiyats and politicians cooperate with them. In one word they became well-known and their influence is growing. After recent organizational rearrangements they united (except for several small groups) into National Organization of Russian Muslims (further NORM) leading positions in which were taken by Abu Talib (A. Stepchenko) and Ali Vyacheslav Polosin; not unknown figure Kharun ar-Rusi joins them.

It would seem that we are supposed to be ...
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