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MosNews: Moscow Protests Against Nationalism

posted by FerrasB on December, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Anti-nationalist march in Moscow ready to start under banners saying ’Russia without Nationalism’ / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

Anti-nationalist march in Moscow ready to start under banners saying ’Russia without Nationalism’ / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,
Moscow Protests Against Nationalism

Created: 19.12.2005 13:17 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:01 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1134990076)); </SCRIPT>

On Sunday, the latest in the series of dueling rallies over growing anti-immigrant sentiment in Moscow this fall looped through several backstreets in the Russian capital, the New York Times reported.

Last month, more than 1,000 nationalists marched openly down Moscow’s central thoroughfare on Nov. 4, some handing out racist fliers.
Then, about three weeks later, the police broke up a counterprotest on the same street and detained some of the organizers of what was called an “anti-nationalist” response to the original rally.

The marches have touched on a simmering issue of rising hate and crimes against foreigners, particularly migrant workers from other ...
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KC: Reporters Without Borders Protest FSB Attack On Austrian TV Team

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Reporters Without Borders Protest FSB Attack on Austrian TV Team
Publication time: Today at 08:57 Djokhar time

Reporters Without Borders strongly protests against the temporary arrest of the ORF (Austrian public channel) journalist Susanne Scholl and her team in Chechnya as well as the seizure of her footage. "This is an unacceptable attempt of intimidation and a limitation of the freedom of expression vis-a-vis foreign journalists in Russia," says Rubina Moehring, president of ROG and vice-president of RSF Intl.

Although their documents were completely in order, Susanne Scholl and her team have been arrested by a FSB gang on the 24th of Vovember in Chechnya. They were interrogated by FSB agents at the FSB base in Chechnya. They were released 6 hours after. Their video and a satellite phone were stolen by the FSB.

After the most recent murders of a American female reporter and the responsible editor for economy of the Russian press ...
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KC: FSB Plans Further Repressions Against Kavkaz Center Reporter

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

FSB Plans Further Repressions Against Kavkaz Center Reporter
Publication time: 5 December 2006, 21:11
Kavkaz Center has already reported about renewed repressions against human rights activist Eugene Novozhilov from a southern Russian city of Krasnodar. The district police inspector Aleksandr Nikolenko, probably acting on FSB's request, on December 5th this year demanded that Eugene should come to the police station for a "conversation".
Eugene (Evgeni) and his mother Galina Ivanovna phoned Nikolenko and recorded the conversation.
The district inspector Nikolenko explained his demand by the fact that Eugene Novozhilov is "registered" at the ambulatory psychiatric clinic. In 2001 FSB had framed Eugene for political reasons and had sent him to the mental hospital for 7 1/2  months. The ambulatory psychiatric clinic, pressured by FSB, refuses to strike Eugene off this "register", even though 4 1/2 years have passed since the "hospitalization".
Nikolenko declared that Eugene Novozhilov should immediately come to the police station with his ...
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posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

December 07, 2006
By Andrew McGregor

One of the most surprising elements in the recent poisoning of the former FSB officer Aleksandr Litvinenko is his apparent deathbed conversion to Islam. At first, there seemed little reason to believe this unlikely development, but the gradual confirmation of the story has raised a number of questions regarding Litvinenko’s cooperation with the Chechen resistance and, in a more sensational vein, with Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist organization.

A Quiet Conversion

The first notice of Litvinenko’s conversion to Islam came in a press release from the Chechen Presidential Administration after the death of the former spy: “We have learnt that shortly before the attempt on his life, Aleksandr Litvinenko voluntarily and sincerely converted to Islam. Thus, he not only became our comrade-in-arms but also brother-in-faith” (Chechenpress, November 26). Though the source was not given for this unexpected development, it was eventually revealed that this ...
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RFE/RL: Russia: American Writers Honor Politkovskaya's Memory

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Russia: American Writers Honor Politkovskaya's Memory

By Nikola Krastev

Russia -- flowers outside home of Anna Politkovskaya, 8oct2006 (660x465)
Flowers outside Politkovskaya's home in Moscow after her killing
NEW YORK, December 7, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- The horrors of the conflict in Chechnya are known in the West largely because of the work of Anna Politkovskaya, the Russian journalist slain outside her Moscow home on October 8.

Politkovskaya's work was widely translated into English, and she was a frequent speaker at U.S. universities. On December 6, her American friends and admirers gathered in New York, the city where Politkovskaya was born, to remember her work.

Katrina van den Heuvel is the editor and publisher of the liberal U.S. magazine "The Nation." She was also an acquaintance of Politkovskaya, the 43rd journalist to be killed in Russia since 1993.
"Anna felt the need to establish a connection to those who are suffering regardless of their ...
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