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MosNews: BBC Knocked Off Air In Russia After Legal Dispute

posted by FerrasB on December, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

BBC Knocked off Air in Russia After Legal Dispute

Created: 23.12.2005 11:05 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 11:05 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1135325114)); </SCRIPT> , 5 hours 44 minutes ago


A legal dispute has knocked the BBC’s Russian service off the air in Moscow, officials said on Thursday, although the corporation insisted all its licenses were in order.

Konstantin Eggert, Moscow bureau editor for the BBC’s Russian service, said the company which broadcasts the corporation’s programs had lost its license, causing it to lose its medium wave transmission in the Russian capital. “We officially have a right to broadcast. We were not the ones who lost the right to broadcast, it was the service provider,” he was quoted by Reuters as saying.

Grigory Kliger, head of the Oktod operating company, said the license for the frequency had run out and that the documents needed to renew it had not been ready in time.

According to the Russian agencies ...
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Anthony Halpin/KC: «I found myself confused»

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

«I found myself confused»
Letter to KC editorial
I just wanted to let you know how very informative and interesting your website is. Before visiting your site I knew only 'scraps' of information about the Chechyan struggle, and having spent a considerable time reading your articles and related material, I am truly shocked.
I am shocked at the scale of 'disappearances', fatalities ... and most of all, the West's casual attitude towards it. In the case some countries I can see greed as being a motivating factor for this silence, but in the case of Ireland - where I am from - I found myself confused.
It eventually dawned on me. Yes, economics, but more is the pathetic need which our government has not just to be liked by the World, but loved! That is my best guess. I visited Russia in 2001 and was practically beaten up by a trolleybus conductor for nothing.
My ...
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