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RFE/RL: Prison Official Allows For State Role In Russian Lawyer's Death

posted by eagle on November, 2009 as Freedom and Fear

November 26, 2009

Prison Official Allows For State Role In Russian Lawyer's Death

A Russian prison official has conceded that the country's Federal Penitentiary Service shares some responsibility for the death this month of an outspoken lawyer in its custody, RFE/RL's Russian Service reports.

The death in jail of 37-year-old Sergei Magnitsky has outraged rights activists in a country where numerous high-profile killings have gone unpunished. 

Outcry has prompted Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who campaigned in 2008 on pledges to improve a deteriorating rights record, to order a special investigation into the case.

Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) Deputy Director Aleksandr Smirnov conceded in statements today to a Kremlin advisory board that it was a "deplorable incident" and suggested that harsh prison conditions were partly to blame for Magnitsky's death in Butyrka prison on November 16.

Smirnov further told the Civil Chamber, a body of experts that advise the Kremlin, that the results of an investigation into the quality ...

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IFEX: Forty IFEX Members Call For The Protection Of Women Who Exercise Free Speech

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

24 November 2009


Forty IFEX members call for the protection of women who exercise free speech

(IFJ/IFEX) - The following is a joint appeal from 40 IFEX members lead by the IFEX Gender Working Group: 

Forty IFEX members call for concrete measures to end violence against women who speak out courageously 

To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November, we, the undersigned 40 members of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX), express solidarity with women who have been the victims of violence for exercising their free expression rights. 

On this day we call attention to the situation of the many women who face threats and are subject to targeted attacks because of their gender. Death threats, kidnapping, physical attacks, including assaults, flogging and killings, as well as sexual, verbal and judicial harassment are atrocities that many women journalists, writers and activists face the world over, particularly ...

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Agentura: Russia: Security Agent Talks Press Freedom

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Russia: security agent talks press freedom

An international conference on press freedom in Vienna, reports Andrei Soldatov, included a suprising guest: a Russian security service agent.

For the first time in almost a decade the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has decided to take part in a discussion on media coverage of the war on terror. In early October it sent one of its officials to the “War on Words” conference on this subject held by the International Press Institute in Vienna.

The presence of the Russian security services at an international discussion about press coverage of counterterrorism was surprising. After all, this is precisely the area of press freedom that is most systematically suppressed in Russia. And the originator and the main beneficiary of this strategy is the FSB.

The process has actually started in 1999 with the Second Chechen war: the Kremlin appeared to have learned the lessons of the conflict in 1994-1996, when ...

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CK: Moscow Roundtable Claims The Need To Counteract Terrorism In Internet

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Moscow roundtable claims the need to counteract terrorism in Internet

sep 16 2009, 20:00

On September 15, the Press Centre of the RIA "Novosti" in Moscow hosted a roundtable on the role of the civil society and mass media in confronting terrorism and prevention of extremism. However, its main topic was in fact the statement of the authorities' defeat on the front of media war on terrorism.

Vladimir Gurevich, a member of the Board for Foreign and Defence Policy and editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Vremya Novostei" (Time of News), drew attention of the audience to the fact that terror acts and consequences of them have been ousted to the periphery of public consciousness.

"People think like that: this is not Russia, this is Caucasus; something happens there," Mr Gurevich has noted, having emphasized that now the authorities should pay much more attention to the memory of victims of terror acts.

He has also highlighted the ...

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