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Adygeanatpress: Only 10 % Of Russians Consider Work Of Militia Well & Perfect

posted by FerrasB on November, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Only 10 % of Russians consider work of militia "well” and "perfect" - interrogation
Only 10 percent of Russians consider the work of Russian militia "well” and "perfect". At the same time, 33 percent of the interrogation’s participants recognize it "satisfactory", 38 percent - "bad" or "very bad". That data was published by "Public opinion" Fund on the basis of results of the interrogation led on November, 5-6th in 44 Russian regions.

At the same time comparison with the data of three-year prescription testifies that Russians began concerning to militia a little bit more indulgently. The part of marks "bad" and "very bad" had noticeably decreased (in 2002 such opinion was expressed by 47 percent of interrogated), and simultaneously with 7 up to 20 percent the number of those who could not make certain verdict about work of militia increased.

Analyzing the reasons which prevent militia to execute its duties well, the respondents paid attention more often to negative features of people working there. First of all, there were prevalence in behaviour of militia workers of "mercenary" motivation (" they work not for putting things in order and for getting money" - such way 19 percent of interrogated supposed), and also irresponsibility, indifference, rudeness of militia employees (10 percent).

1500 respondents took part in the interrogation. Additional interrogation of the population of Moscow included 600 respondents. Statistical error does not exceed 3,6 percent.

IА REGNUM (in reduction)

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