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Chechen Press

posted by FerrasB on October, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Kasyanov tries to strike a bargain with authorities
19:56     |     19/ 09/ 2005

MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti political commentator Vasily Kononenko).--

Last July the Prosecutor General's Office instigated criminal proceedings against former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov on charges of misappropriation of public property. The owner of expensive dachas avoided giving any explanation to the press. However, last Saturday RenTV Channel broadcast a short interview with him, while yesterday he described his vision of the general situation in Russia and his own role in the political process in an interview with the Ekho Moskvy radio station. Asked whether he intends to run for the presidency in 2008, he said: "As of today, my answer is 'Yes'." This was a key point of his speech. "Three months ago I was not certain yet", he went on to say. However, now the former prime minister has become convinced that "he cannot leave" because ...
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Chechenpress: Protest Action Against Russian Aggression Will Be Held In Brussels

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

October, 5, 2005

The protest actions against the Russian aggression will be held in Brussels

The mass demonstration dated to the president of the Russian Federation V.Putin's visit to the European capital will pass in october 3, at 16:00 in the centre of Brussels . As organizers of the action appear the opponents of continued war in the Chechen Republic, transmits IA "Daymonk".

As it is expected, the refugees from the Chechen Republic , outstanding European politicians and representatives of European right protecting organizations will take part in mass demonstration.

For persons who are interested to take part in the protest action against the war in the Chechen Republic, Vainakh diaspora in Belgium informs, that it is necessary to gather at 15:30 at Palace of Justice (Palais D'Egmont). The nearest station - Underground Luiza.

Chechenpress, 05.10.05

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Civil Georgia: Georgia, Lithuania Call On Baltic, Caucasus States For Closer Tie

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

UNAG online Magazine
    Georgia, Lithuania Call on Baltic, Caucasus States for Closer Ties     News
    / Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 2005-10-07 18:34:04     

Lithuanian and Georgian Foreign Ministers, Antanas Valionis and Salome Zourabichvili signed a joint letter on October 6 inviting the foreign ministers of Latvia, Estonia, Azerbaijan and Armenia to develop Lithuania’s initiative concerning cooperation of three Baltic States and three Caucasian States.

According to the press release issued by the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry on October 7, Antanas Valionis and Salome Zourabichvili proposed to organize the meeting of six foreign ministers in Brussels, where the ministers of NATO and partner states are to gather in December.

According to Lithuanian and Georgian foreign ministers the reforms and regional cooperation experience of the Baltic States is a good example for Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan on their way to European and Euro-Atlantic structures.

Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Brussels would be an important step ...
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Chechenpress: The Target Of Movement "STOP-Dictatorship"

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

October, 6, 2005

The target of Movement "STOP-dictatorship"

In sovereign Republic Tatarstan prosecutions of the citizens professing the Islam proceed, prosecutions of people for their religious and political views proceed. This regrettable fact means only one - the beginning of a paralysis of working Kremlin authority, that authority which always professed only one cult - a cult of lie, meanness and violence. The mode of dictator Putin obviously leads to a deadend.

Today is already senseless to consider and analyze such theses as "state for a person" or as it and was always in Russia, "a person for the state". Today all here living, and especially those people which have simply civic position are hostages of state machinery, system which with identical cruelty mills right and guilty. It is proved with the facts of last time: Michael Trepashkins arrest, prosecutions of moslems in sovereign Tatarstan and others, all of known cases and the ...
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Civil Georgia: Georgia, Lithuania Call On Baltic, Caucasus States For Closer Tie

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

UNAG online Magazine
    Georgia, Lithuania Call on Baltic, Caucasus States for Closer Ties     News
    / Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 2005-10-07 18:34:04     

Lithuanian and Georgian Foreign Ministers, Antanas Valionis and Salome Zourabichvili signed a joint letter on October 6 inviting the foreign ministers of Latvia, Estonia, Azerbaijan and Armenia to develop Lithuania’s initiative concerning cooperation of three Baltic States and three Caucasian States.

According to the press release issued by the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry on October 7, Antanas Valionis and Salome Zourabichvili proposed to organize the meeting of six foreign ministers in Brussels, where the ministers of NATO and partner states are to gather in December.

According to Lithuanian and Georgian foreign ministers the reforms and regional cooperation experience of the Baltic States is a good example for Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan on their way to European and Euro-Atlantic structures.

Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Brussels would be an important step ...
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