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RFE/RL: RFE/RL Mourns Death of Russian Journalist Anna Politkovskaya

posted by FerrasB on October, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

RFE/RL Mourns Death of Russian Journalist Anna Politkovskaya
(Washington, DC--October 8, 2006) RFE/RL Acting President Jeffrey Trimble released the following statement in reaction to the death of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya in Moscow October 7, 2006.

"I and my colleagues at RFE/RL are shocked and deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Anna Politkovskaya. I also express our deepest sympathies to her family, who have lost her loving care and spirit.

"We condemn the persons who are responsible for this violent and senseless act against a journalist who worked in the best interests of the people of the Russian Federation. We call upon the Russian authorities to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation of this crime, and to do more to ensure the safety of independent journalists in their country.

"Anna was a frequent contributor to RFE/RL's Russian-language programs; in fact, her final interview was with RFE/RL, and took place just two days before ...
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VOA: Top Official In Russia's Itar-Tass News Agency Killed

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Top Official in Russia's Itar-Tass News Agency Killed
By VOA News
16 October 2006

The business chief of the Russian state news agency Itar-Tass has been stabbed to death in his central Moscow apartment.

Authorities say 55-year-old Anatoli Voronin died of multiple knife wounds. Reuters news agency quotes prosecutors as saying police are looking at several possible murder scenarios, including a theory the killing may be linked to a personal dispute rather that his work.

Flowers at the Moscow building where Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was killed

Flowers at the Moscow building where Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was killed
The death is the latest in a spate of high-profile killings in Moscow in the past month. Acclaimed journalist Anna Politkovskaya was shot and killed in an apparent contract murder October 7. There have been no arrests.

Deputy Central Bank governor and anti-corruption advocate Andrei Kozolov and his driver were shot dead in Moscow on September 13.

A Moscow ...
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RFE/RL: Monitors Say Russia Among World's Most Dangerous Countries For Reporters

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Monday, May 2, 2005
Russia: Monitors Say Russia Among World's Most Dangerous Countries For Reporters
<GRAPHIC>By Catherine Fitzpatrick

Russia has long suffered from the reputation of being among the world's most dangerous countries for journalists. The perception has been built over time by various international press-freedom monitors who, year after year, find Russia overrepresented among the world's developed nations and even among the Community of Democracies in terms of murdered reporters. Their colleagues in Russia have even longer lists of reporters allegedly killed for journalism.

Killings of journalists are widely used by analysts to measure the level of press freedom in a country. To be sure, if few or no media workers are killed, it can mean that there is so little freedom that no reporter ever sticks his neck out far enough to be killed. If many reporters are killed, it can be explained by a war zone or rampant crime and settling ...
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VOA: Top Official In Russia's Itar-Tass News Agency Killed

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Top Official in Russia's Itar-Tass News Agency Killed
By VOA News
16 October 2006

The business chief of the Russian state news agency Itar-Tass has been stabbed to death in his central Moscow apartment.

Authorities say 55-year-old Anatoli Voronin died of multiple knife wounds. Reuters news agency quotes prosecutors as saying police are looking at several possible murder scenarios, including a theory the killing may be linked to a personal dispute rather that his work.

Flowers at the Moscow building where Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was killed

Flowers at the Moscow building where Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was killed
The death is the latest in a spate of high-profile killings in Moscow in the past month. Acclaimed journalist Anna Politkovskaya was shot and killed in an apparent contract murder October 7. There have been no arrests.

Deputy Central Bank governor and anti-corruption advocate Andrei Kozolov and his driver were shot dead in Moscow on September 13.

A Moscow ...
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VOA: Top Official In Russia's Itar-Tass News Agency Killed

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Top Official in Russia's Itar-Tass News Agency Killed
By VOA News
16 October 2006

The business chief of the Russian state news agency Itar-Tass has been stabbed to death in his central Moscow apartment.

Authorities say 55-year-old Anatoli Voronin died of multiple knife wounds. Reuters news agency quotes prosecutors as saying police are looking at several possible murder scenarios, including a theory the killing may be linked to a personal dispute rather that his work.

Flowers at the Moscow building where Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was killed

Flowers at the Moscow building where Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was killed
The death is the latest in a spate of high-profile killings in Moscow in the past month. Acclaimed journalist Anna Politkovskaya was shot and killed in an apparent contract murder October 7. There have been no arrests.

Deputy Central Bank governor and anti-corruption advocate Andrei Kozolov and his driver were shot dead in Moscow on September 13.

A Moscow ...
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