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ndependent: Ken Russell: The Film-Maker Laid Bare

posted by FerrasB on January, 2007 as Freedom and Fear

5 January 2007 18:45
Ken Russell: The film-maker laid bare
It's easy to deride the spectacle of a 79-year-old Ken Russell in 'Celebrity Big Brother'. But Britain's most extraordinary film-maker is more than capable of holding his own among the wannabes, has-beens and never-weres of reality TV. Boyd Tonkin defends a true original
Published: 05 January 2007

"Hope I die before I get old". The Who's lyrics, which later inspired Ann-Margret's notorious baked-bean bath and all manner of campy stunts in Ken Russell's movie of Tommy, should perhaps be taken to heart by every pioneering film director of a certain age. Failure to do so may lead to grim outcomes for auteurs from a senior generation.

In the case of Orson Welles, there were the Domecq sherry commercials. Nic Roeg, Ken Russell's equal in the pantheon of maverick British geniuses, plunged into a deep circle of straight-to-video hell and ended up putting his wayward art ...
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KC: Film-Maker Fears Returning To Russia

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Film-maker fears returning to Russia
Publication time: Today at 11:06 Djokhar time

A Russian documentary-maker and friend of Alexander Litvinenko, said yesterday that he feared for his safety after being warned "not to make anti-Russian films".

Andrei Nekrasov, who has just finished a documentary for BBC2, on the Litvinenko murder, said that relatives in Russia had received the threat this week from "an old friend".

"I am concerned for my safety," he told The Times. "I do not know if it is safe for me to return to my home in St Petersburg."

Mr Nekrasov was close to Litvinenko and visited him regularly in hospital after his poisoning with radioactive polonium-210. His film for Storyville My Friend Sacha: a Very Russian Murder is said to be a powerful indictment of the authoritarianism of President Putin's Russia. It includes an interview with Litvinenko's widow, Marina, and footage implicating the Kremlin in the attempted murder of Boris ...
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