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KC: Russian Propaganda Lies About Persecution In Finland For Criticism Of Kavkaz Center

posted by eagle on April, 2011 as Freedom and Fear

Russian propaganda lies about persecution in Finland for criticism of Kavkaz Center

Publication time: Today at 01:06 Emirate time 

According to a large number of Russian media outlets, a criminal case against a notorious KGB "pastor" Juha Molari in Finland has been allegedly opened because he criticized the Kavkaz Center and the Emir of Caucasian Mujahideen Dokku Abu Usman in his church and on his blog.

Russian propaganda is deliberately misinforming the public about the real background of the proceedings against the Putin's pope Molari, trying to involve the Kavkaz Center in this issue.

For example, a Moscow's "independent" REN TV channel recently reported:
"Events in the North Caucasus have unexpectedly found a reflection in Finland. A Finnish pastor Juha Molari came under criminal prosecution for his "non-tolerant" utterances about Dokku Umarov and the operation of the website Kavkaz Center. First, he was threatened and then fired and summoned for questioning, and then a criminal case was opened against him".


The hackworkers from the Russian KGB REN TV used for their text a report of another Russian KGB TV station, Russia Today, which is conducting propaganda against the West in English.


Molari demonstrates to a journalist from the RT the "threat": a piece of paper, allegedly "an email", signed by "Dokku Umarov", with a threat to kill him if he does not stop slandering against the Kavkaz Center.
The letter was received (?) by the KGB "pastor" six months ago. However, the Putin's pope is alive, and he did not even get a cold. The KC has no doubt that Molari sent this "letter" to himself or it was sent by his accomplices from the KGB (FSB) at his request for self-promotion and organization of a KGB smear campaign against the KC and the Caucasus Emir.
In fact, as we know, it was not "Dokku Umarov" who threatened to kill Molari, but it was Molari who threatened to kill journalists and members of the editorial board of the Kavkaz Center. Last fall Molari appealed over the Internet to the international terrorist organization of the FSB. Russia and ordered these killings.


The Molari's video threat to blow up the KC and to kill all its journalists can be viewed at the following link.


It is to be recalled that the KGB (FSB) committed numerous political murders also outside of Russia: in Qatar, Istanbul, London, Vienna and Dubai. The Molari's appeal to the KGB (FSB) is still posted on the English Service website of the Kavkaz Center.
Meanwhile, the Finnish police really opened 3 criminal cases against Molar, and ecclesiastical authorities now investigate his administrative misdeeds.


Not a single word about the Kavkaz Center is mentioned in these four cases against Molari. All of them relate to other people and organizations.
The malicious slanderer, instigator, accomplice of the KGB killers and agent of hatred based on ethnic and religious grounds Juha Molari should answer under the Finnish law for the following crimes:


1. Malicious slander against the MEP Heidi Hautala, whom the pope accused of negotiating with the Caucasus Emirate Emir Dokku Abu Usman who had allegedly come with a secret visit to the Finnish capital of Helsinki. The pope Molari fabricated and published on his blog a false photo of Hautala and CE Emir in a bar in Helsinki and indicated the time and place of that "meeting". The case is now being investigate by the Finnish criminal police.
The Kavkaz-Center does not appear anywhere in this criminal case.
2. Inciting ethnic and religious hatred in church sermons and on his blog against Caucasian Muslims (mostly Chechen refugees), whom the offender listed as terrorists, including small children. After a scandal broke out, the pastor quickly deleted from his blog these sermons, but there are copies of them. The case is now being investigated by the Finnish criminal police.
The Kavkaz-Center does not appear anywhere in this criminal case.

3. An information also leaked onto blogs that there is another case against Molari under investigation - a conspiracy of political assassination in Oslo (Norway). The Russian terrorist gang of the KGB (FSB) wanted to kill a right-wing activist using a killer from Russian-controlled "anti-Fascists", and to shift responsibility for it on Norwegian Muslims, most probably the Chechens, so that the Norwegian police could have an argument for mass repressions against them.


According to scarce information leaked on blogs, the case is now being investigated by the secret police of both Norway and Finland. On March 8, Molari was summoned for questioning to the Finnish secret police headquarters in Helsinki. The exact circumstances are not known, as the secret police of Finland ordered the priest not to disclose any information on the case. Molari signed a paper that he keeps mum, and he complies with the demands of the secret police. The case is now being investigated by the Finnish political police.
The Kavkaz-Center does not appear anywhere in this criminal case.

4. An administrative case against the pope Molari by his superiors at the Finnish Lutheran Church was opened on the basis of his criminal case # 1. The KGB pope is also accused of neglecting his pastoral duties because he spends more time visiting Russia than heading his parish.
The Kavkaz-Center does not appear anywhere in this clergical case.

Thus, the REN TV, Russia Today, and the entire Russian press are blatantly lying, telling a deliberate nonsense that pope Molari is persecuted because of his "criticism" of the Kavkaz Center.


Meanwhile, a caricature on Molar's Finnish boss, the ringleader of a Finnish pro-terrorist organization SAFKA, Backman, has been posted on the Internet. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Estonia, Backman is involved in terrorist activities in the country, abusing the Estonian Constitution under the orders of the Russian terrorist group of the KGB (FSB).
Some details about the KGB gang of Backman/Molari can be read on a popular Estonian website antifashistpederast.
The website says the truth, unlike the Russian KGB media outlets.


Department of Monitoring

Kavkaz Center

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