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KC: Reporters Without Borders Protest FSB Attack On Austrian TV Team

posted by FerrasB on December, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Reporters Without Borders Protest FSB Attack on Austrian TV Team
Publication time: Today at 08:57 Djokhar time

Reporters Without Borders strongly protests against the temporary arrest of the ORF (Austrian public channel) journalist Susanne Scholl and her team in Chechnya as well as the seizure of her footage. "This is an unacceptable attempt of intimidation and a limitation of the freedom of expression vis-a-vis foreign journalists in Russia," says Rubina Moehring, president of ROG and vice-president of RSF Intl.

Although their documents were completely in order, Susanne Scholl and her team have been arrested by a FSB gang on the 24th of Vovember in Chechnya. They were interrogated by FSB agents at the FSB base in Chechnya. They were released 6 hours after. Their video and a satellite phone were stolen by the FSB.

After the most recent murders of a American female reporter and the responsible editor for economy of the Russian press agency Itar Tass Anatoli Woronin, which are still unsolved, the climate in Russia seems to worsen with respect to foreign journalists.

Susanne Scholl had been working, among others, on a documentary about the American reporter which will be broadcasted on the channel 3 satellite on December the 8th, the Reporters Without Borders Web site said.


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