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KC: FSB Plans Further Repressions Against Kavkaz Center Reporter

posted by FerrasB on December, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

FSB Plans Further Repressions Against Kavkaz Center Reporter
Publication time: 5 December 2006, 21:11
Kavkaz Center has already reported about renewed repressions against human rights activist Eugene Novozhilov from a southern Russian city of Krasnodar. The district police inspector Aleksandr Nikolenko, probably acting on FSB's request, on December 5th this year demanded that Eugene should come to the police station for a "conversation".
Eugene (Evgeni) and his mother Galina Ivanovna phoned Nikolenko and recorded the conversation.
The district inspector Nikolenko explained his demand by the fact that Eugene Novozhilov is "registered" at the ambulatory psychiatric clinic. In 2001 FSB had framed Eugene for political reasons and had sent him to the mental hospital for 7 1/2  months. The ambulatory psychiatric clinic, pressured by FSB, refuses to strike Eugene off this "register", even though 4 1/2 years have passed since the "hospitalization".
Nikolenko declared that Eugene Novozhilov should immediately come to the police station with his passport, a small photo and his Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty contract(!).
Nikolenko said that Eugene is obliged to come to him every month for control. Nikolenko mentioned a certain "order of the Moscow City Police Department" and an "order on 180 pages, signed by the minister".
Talking to Eugene's mother the district police inspector A.S. Nikolenko was extremely rude and threatened to take this 69-year-old woman to the police station by force.
In this situation it's highly probable that Eugene Novozhilov will be taken to the mental hospital against his will. Eugene's mother is an invalid with a weak heart and a severe form of hypertension. It's quite possible that the so-called "law-enforcement structures" in Krasnodar will try to drive her to a stroke, which can end in her death.
Ivan Smirnov. Krasnodar, Russia

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