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KC: Anti-Putin Rally In Moscow

posted by FerrasB on December, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Anti-Putin rally in Moscow
Publication time: 16 December 2006, 19:21
About 4000 Russians rallied in central Moscow to protest recent electoral law changes that the demonstrators said is enlarging Kremlin's growing authoritarianism.

The protesters were met on by thousands of helmeted riot police, soldiers, attack dogs and a circling helicopter.

Opposition leaders said the show of force revealed the Kremlin's fear of dissent.

The demonstration, organised by several opposition groups who united under the banners of the Other Russia movement, was dubbed the "March of Those Who Disagree".

The activists held banners reading "Russia without [president Vladimir] Putin" and other placards criticising his government.

A police helicopter made an almost continuous low circle over the crowd, drowning out chants of "We need a different Russia!" and "defend the constitution!"

Speeches were made by opposition leaders including former chess champion Garry Kasparov and Mikhail Kasyanov, former prime minister.

Organisers said police had detained 40 activists for alleged violations in Moscow and about 200 other protests had been detained on their way to Moscow.

Natalya Morar, spokesman for Other Russia said many had been taken off trains and buses and put into detention cells.

Two water cannon trucks, huge rolls of razor wire and at least a dozen large alsation and rottweiler dogs were held in reserve.

Opposition leaders said the show of force revealed the Kremlin's fear of dissent.

"I'm in shock," said Vladimir Ryzhkov, one of the few remaining independent deputies in the parliament.

"All this shows that Russia is not a democratic state, but a police state where any peaceful opposition demonstration is taken as a threat to the regime."

Polls consistently show that president Vladimir Putin is highly popular, with ratings above 70 per cent.

However, Gary Kasparov said: "If there were two weeks of television without censorship this government would collapse. They are afraid of us because they are scared that what we say will resonate with millions of people."


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