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KC: The Face Of Betrayer Or Satanic Squeak Of Russian Genes

posted by FerrasB on December, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

The Face of Betrayer or Satanic Squeak of Russian Genes
Publication time: 31 December 2006, 16:42
In the recent times the organizations of Russians who turned into Islam appear more and more often. The books written by their leaders are being published and translated into foreign languages. The representatives of these organizations take part in various Muslim activities, held both in Russia and abroad. Moreover these organizations even get certain support from the government. They publish their own newspapers, have their own web sites, and muftiyats and politicians cooperate with them. In one word they became well-known and their influence is growing. After recent organizational rearrangements they united (except for several small groups) into National Organization of Russian Muslims (further NORM) leading positions in which were taken by Abu Talib (A. Stepchenko) and Ali Vyacheslav Polosin; not unknown figure Kharun ar-Rusi joins them.

It would seem that we are supposed to be glad at the fact that native Russians came to take Islam and promote the propagation of Allah Religion. Many Muslim organizations beyond the limits of Russia, particularly on the territory of the former Soviet Union, have approximately such kind of feelings towards them.  

Perhaps the reader will be very surprised at hearing that these Muslim organizations are indeed Russian chauvinists and reliable gun in hands of Russian imperialism. Their activity is reduced to glorification of Russia, to calls for its salvation and consolidation. They claim that Islam is the measure for the renaissance of grandeur of Russia, which according to their statements is the only true friend of Muslims.  

These people use Islamic slogans, write books about Islam, but on closer study of these books and their activities the savage grin of Russian imperialism is permanently seen. What is more, they have one distinguished feature, which is pathological hatred towards Chechnya.  

Since they declared their adoption of Islam, they can not refute Jihad as such. But if the question concerns Russia, they say that it is not Jihad, but terrorism or vahhabism. Like many other Muslim organization (especially in the West) they reduce the notion of Jihad to struggle against their passions, although regarding The Second World War they says about "shahids of The Great Patriotic War".

All these views are openly popularized and bring their bitter fruits. As an illustration for this we are making several quotations from their articles, statements, books.

1. Concerning recent massacre of Chechens in Kondopoga (Karelia) NORM published an announcement entirely saturated with the spirit of Russian imperialism. It is called "Not to allow the humiliation of Russian people!". It says:

"In Kondopoga ethnic mafias resting upon corrupt bureaucracy monopolized the business, drove out from the town Russian businessmen, intentionally humiliated human dignity of local inhabitants, and then proceeded to violence against unprotected people".

And further: "When immigration turns into extortion of aboriginal population, it becomes colonization; when immigrants start behaving as masters, they become colonizers. Russian people have the right to show appropriate resistance to colonizers".  

Let us leave these unfounded accusations concerning our victim brothers lie on the conscious of these accomplices of the great-power. Let us pay attention to a different matter. Having stained Karelia with blood Russian imperialists occupied this soil in 1475 yet, it was they who produced systematic extrusion and extermination of Karelian aboriginal population. As a result at the present moment Karelians make up 10% of the total population of the republic, according to the unofficial data not more than 7 % of them can speak native language.  

The Authors of the statement only care for the fate of Russian businessmen, who are the real bandits and economic occupants, they claim that Russian people have the right to repulse the occupants.  

And we give detailed information about murderous deeds of Russian imperialists in Karelia and have no doubts that sooner or later Russians will suffer well-deserved punishment for it. Karelian people, who are recognized to be aboriginal even in the Constitution of the republic, have all the rights to cast off the imperial yoke.  

Karelian mufti, who even according to the betrayal newspaper "Modern Idea" always calls to grassing on the "unreliable" and to entire loyalty towards the occupational authorities, should be also mentioned.  

2. Recent decision of NORM regular meeting, in which the case in point was the strategic plans of the organization, speaks for itself. Here are several quotations from it:

"NORM made a decision to confirm loyal attitude of the organization to Russian sovereign state and nonparticipation of NORM and its members in any antistate or antigovernmental activity".

"NORM decided to consider the problem of the status of Chechnya and The Caucasus to be the one that has no principal importance for the development of Russian Muslim community".

3. The attitude of these people to the war in Chechnya is stressed every time and everywhere. Let us take at random an article by A. Yastrebov "Ill-fated Tragedy and Our Prospects". It is a sort of purified concentrate of hatred towards Chechens and panegyric to Russian imperialism with elements of nostalgia for the great Soviet Union. (It is an inconceivable paradox for normal Muslim at all. How can a believer deplore the collapse of Satanic empire of kufr!)

The criticism of Putin's regime lies only in the regret for the absence of sufficient flexibility in the deeds of Islam. What ever are the following sentences worth?

"More than 10 years now such politicians as Geidar Jemal and Shamil Sultanov, firm Muslims and patriots of Russia in one person, tell that enemies of Russia and Islam do everything in order to lead Russians into suicidal confrontation with Islamic world".

And further: "In the end entire course of Chechen war was aimed at the change of ordinary national separative rebellion into Jihad, which is by the way implacably changes from Chechen into all-Caucasian."  

Afterwards traditionally comes the search for the guilty of all the misfortunes, who turn out to be Jews and Americans (everything is presented in the way of Soviet propaganda, and Russian people are merely saint, but too kind and naïve). The author regrets again the absence of flexibility:   

"in the fact that instead of supporting inceptive at the beginning of the 90th pro-Russian movement in the Caucasus, the united with local criminal nomenclature Kremlin suppressed the movement of Islamist Russophile Ahmad Kadi Ahtayev, clearing in this way a place for American-Saudi emissaries like Bagautdin".  

And one more passage: "We are not the ones who are supposed to make excuses. Those who destroyed the great country and permitted it should make excuses, those who destroyed our special services pushing the most talented staff out to private security services, those who ruined powerful soviet army turning it into a raffle of deserters and mercenaries".

The author regrets that the sympathy towards Russia shook in the Arabic countries. But later this "brother Muslim" split the beans and revealed the real intentions of the organization and its bosses; at the same time he admitted by implication inevitability of the liberation of Muslim lands from the colonial oppression of Russia:

"What happened is an important milestone in the strategic process of the chipping the Caucasus off Russia, launched in 2004 - obtaining the power by Saakashvili, the loss of Abashydze and Kadyrov during one month, forcing of Ossetin and Abkhazian conflicts, new destabilization in Dagestan, and, finally, a horrible strike on Northern Osetia.  

It is of vital importance for Russia to intercept the initiative from The USA in the Islamic area and to make its source and its ally real radical Islam, the aims and interests of which coincide with those of Russia..." (the care for the Muslim brothers is just obvious! It turns out that let there be "terrorists", let there be "vahhabits", let acts of terrorism and whatever else occur provided that it is in the interests of Russia. This is extremely original Muslim approach).

Everywhere in the world where shots are heard, they are followed by the cries "Allahu Akbar!".  Perspicacious analysts understand that Russia could lead this process instead of being its victim but it can hardly be explained to a man in the street.  

4. Glorification by these people of the classics of Russian literature and culture for their deep understanding of Islam can be called in no other way but ravings of a madman. For example known to everybody fanatical chauvinist Dostoyevsky, who for all his life called for the capture of Bosphor and Dardanelle straits, is shown as a great friend of Islam.

It is enough to look through his letters in order to understand whose friend he was. In their opinion his greatest friendliness lies in the fact that he more than ones stressed (it is fixed in the memories of his contemporaries) that it was "the Disease of Mohamed". He claimed that "was in the paradise just like Mohamed" during attacks. He believed in this. This means that his extraordinary religious experience, ecstasy states he reduced to absolutely definite tradition connecting them with the experiences of Muslim Prophet".    

Does this mean that in the opinion of these Russian Muslims the person who called our Prophet epileptic and who compared himself to Him deserves recognition for deep understanding of Islam?!

This is not the end. How can this passage be accepted: "Look, you see funny person makes the same journey in his sleep as Muslim Prophet and reveals the truth for himself! This is where the similarity between a funny man and Mohamed suddenly comes to light. Since to some extent the character of Dostoyevsky called "funny person" becomes "Prophet"". No comments...  

The episode about Tatar Ali can produce nothing but disgust as well. It describes how a Russian taught a Tatar Russian language and grammar, and the Tatar was kissing his hands and telling that he gave him more than his parents did!

If such Tatar had really existed, it would have been a renegade who deserved contempt, and the episode itself was called to propagandize on the deep psychological level the superiority of Russian culture, develop the feeling of slavish obedience to Russian kafirs, forming among the letter the notion of their greatness, which is chauvinism in the end.  

The leader of these trouble-makers Ali Polosin should be also mentioned. He is the author of several books having Islam to be the subject, pretends to be great scientist. However on closer study of his books it can be noticed that there is nothing new in them. This is an ordinary rehash of generally known facts, but the ideological basis stays the same - Russian imperialism. Polosin along with his entire community has recently joined NORM and has become its deputy in chief. Well he reached his destination. If we take in hands his book "The Manifesto of New Russia", we find out that this is practically an open propaganda of Russian imperialism. Thus this author writes that Kiev Rus together with all its princes is Russia, although everyone knows that Kiev Rus is the first state of Ukrainians.  

He also grieves over the collapse of the Soviet Union, a great country. He says about Russians: "Then other peoples of Russia will also take Russian people for brother the mission of renascence of great Euro-Asian state lies upon..."

Is not it the rehash of Russian myth about the elder brother and collecting of Russian land? Moreover this brother Muslim praised Lenin as well:

"Byzantine doubling of Russian soul was interrupted only by the revolution of 1905-1917, after which Bolsheviks made an act of general privatization of land that Anatoly Chubays could not even dream of... But this revolution was not underpinned by religious reformation..."

Polosin worried about one thing only - about the preservation of the integrity of Russia and about the renaissance of its greatness. He didn't even forget to throw mud at Chechnya...

An outstanding Muslim scientist M. al-Azami wrote a unique book: "The History of The Koran Text from the Granted to Compilation in Comparison to New and Old Testament". There is an episode in it which deals with "the adoption of Islam" by orientalist Snuk Hargronge:

"...the pioneer of oriental studies and Muslims deceiver".  

Getting back to oriental studies let us consider one more example. In his work "The Origins of Muhammad Jurisprudence", Schaht is writing:

"I feel deep gratitude towards the leading specialists of the latest generation in the field of Islam Studies. The name of Snuk Hargronge is seldom used in this book but it is he who we owe our understanding of the essence of Muhammadan Law".

[Joseph Schaht, "The Origins of Muhammad Jurisprudence" and edition, Oxford Univ. Press, 1959, Foreword]

Who ever was Snuk Hargronge? He was orientalist, whose task was to deceive the musses of Muslims of Indonesia in order to make them adopt the rule and exploitation of Dutch colonialists: "Islam is the religion of the world" he was preaching, "and the duty of Muslims according to Shari'at is to obey [Dutch] rulers; there is no place for disobedience and violence". [See, Isma'il al-Uthmani, "Monthly al-Mishkat", Waydah, Morocco, viii, 1419 A.H., pp. 28-29]. Making for Mecca for further drumming this mantra into people's head he proclaimed himself to be Muslim in order to gain wider popularity without exposing his intentions. Edward Said notices "close cooperation between science and direct military occupation", which is particularly seen in the case of "famous Dutch orientalist Snuk Hargronge who used the faith Muslims had in him for planning and accomplishing of violent war of Dutch against Acheh  people on Sumatra." [Edward Said, "Covering Islam", Pantheon Books, New York, 1981, стр.xvii].

And after that he is regarded as the discoverer of the Islamic Law. The approach is clear. Whereas those who admit unkind statements concerning Judaism are subjected to ostracism, disqualification and reproach particularly from the side of Jewish intellectuals, who bluntly condemned jaundice of Stragnel, for instance; and when Israeli fanaticism comes against Muslim culture and its heritage, entire indifference is felt. In the meanwhile Hargronge's as well as the agents' of colonialism and clericals' similar to him jaundice, which shows its worth only by word of mouth, but is assisting direct military aggression, which due to definite reasons is not paid attention to, is even greater, and their status (within Western circles) as "pioneers of oriental studies' remains inviolable".  

Unfortunately, Ali Polosin resembles this so called Muslim a lot.

Traditionally Russian Orthodox Church has always been obedient instrument in hands of Russian imperialism. The materials concerning this matter is being prepared and will soon be published, Insha Allah. And such organizations as NORM, "Sobraniye" etc. are the analogues of ROC (Russian Orthodox Church) for Muslims of the post-soviet area in this sense.    

Thus some Muslim organizations of Ukraine that closely cooperate with the ones mentioned above less than in two years were changed into hotbed of rude Chechen phobia, propaganda of Russian imperialism and absolute conciliation with kafirs. These are the bitter fruits of this black work.  

Looking into the face of Polosin it can be said with confidence that he is a dirty agent and active accomplice of Russian imperialism. Whether he (and those similar to him) stepped on this path consciously or not is of no importance. You see if a person who has access to complete actual information comes to such conclusions and persists in them he is an opponent and should be treated in appropriate way.    

For example web site praises the butcher of its own people R. Kadyrov for his assistance in the act of Islamic enlightenment. But even several Russian journalists revealed his misdeeds as it was impossible to conceal them.   

Perhaps in the opinion of Russian Muslims carrying out the competition "The Caucasian Beauty" in which half naked girls defiled is the assistance in Islamic enlightenment as well? Expression "shahids of The Great Patriotic War" is symbolic as well, but it is actively used in this site. The point is that these people consciously shut their eyes to the crimes of Russian imperialism, because they became obedient instruments in its hands themselves.

Russian people lived in slavery for ages. Since the time of despot Ivan Groznyy any free-thinking was cruelly suppressed and the cult of the authority (of tsar, of chief, of Putin' firm hand - it is of no importance) was imposed.              

Russians felt like slaves, but the authorities made a clever move - all cherished discontent was directed towards "foreigners". A Russian who felt like "stinking villein" in the face of tsar started feeling like benefactor and elder brother in the face of "foul basurmans". For ages this dilemma was adopted by Russian people genetically, and the activity of NORM, Polosin and those similar to them serves as an extra evidence for this.       

This matter is rather many-sided and we will cover it by stages, starting from historical evidence of Herberstein, Adolph de Custin, Oleary and many others, and finishing with analysis of Russian literature and mentality.     

The fact that even the adoption of Islam can not suppress satanic squeak of Russian genes makes one think about it profoundly...

Some Russians on adoption of Islam joined Islamic Resistance, which is the only way to get rid of imperialistic drug...  

(To be continued)

Ali Bekhan

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