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Moscow Times: Hundreds Rally For Free Elections

posted by FerrasB on October, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Hundreds Rally for Free Elections

Monday, October 10, 2005. Issue 3270. Page 3.
The Moscow Times

Vladimir Filonov / MT

Activists standing on Pushkin Square on Sunday afternoon for the rally, which sought to recruit election observers.

Hundreds of young activists rallied Sunday on Pushkin Square to call for free elections, and police detained 16 people who tried to disrupt the demonstration with mice and tomatoes.

Carrying posters reading "We demand that the constitution be observed" and "Enough elections without choice," up to 1,000 people packed the square for the rally and a concert organized by Yabloko and other liberal groups.

"The goal of the rally was to draw attention to the problem of election fraud and also kick off a campaign to recruit election observers," co-organizer Alexei Navalny told Interfax. "The goal, we believe, was reached."

Moscow City Duma elections and a Moscow by-election for the State Duma will be held Dec. 4. Police said they detained 16 nationalist youth activists carrying 10 boxes of mice and tomatoes. One detainee told Interfax, "In our opinion, democrats are mice, so we brought them to their rally and concert."

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