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: Kavkaz Center: US: Journo's Murder Shocking

posted by FerrasB on October, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

US: Journo's murder shocking
Publication time: 8 October 2006, 10:58
The United States on Saturday expressed shock at the murder of investigative Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya and urged Moscow to bring to justice those responsible.

"The United States is shocked and profoundly saddened by the brutal murder of independent Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who was killed today in her Moscow apartment building," US State Department spokesperson Sean McCormack said in a statement.

Calling Politkovskaya a "highly respected and tireless investigative reporter and author" who worked in the face of death threats, McCormack said the United States extends "deepest sympathies to her family."

"The United States urges the Russian government to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation in order to find, prosecute, and bring to justice all those responsible for this heinous murder," the spokesman said.

Politkovskaya won fame at home and abroad for her persistent and often harrowing reporting of atrocities by Russian forces and Chechen militias in Chechnya, as well as corruption within the armed forces.

Her journalism stood in stark contrast to the rest of the Russian media, which has largely ignored these politically explosive themes since President Vladimir Putin came to power in 2000.

Noting that 12 journalists have been murdered in Russia in the past six years, McCormack said the intimidation and killing of reporters was "an affront to free and independent media and to democratic values."


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