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: PRIMA-News: Picket In Support Of The Republican Party Of Russia Choose another message board

posted by FerrasB on September, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

11.9.2006 11:11 MSK
Picket in support of the Republican Party of Russia
RUSSIA, Moscow. On September 7th, in Moscow, young activists of the Republican Party of Russia (RPR), the People's Democratic Union, the "Union of Right-Wing Forces" and "Yabloko", conducted a picket timed to coincide with a hearing on the RPR by the Federal Registration Service of Russia (FRS), reported the press service SPS. For the past one-and-a-half years, RPR has not been able to register the results of their two congresses.

The refusal of the FRS to register the new leaders of the party has created complexities in the functioning of the party structure: RPR cannot open new regional departments and increase its membership. On May11th, 2006, RPR appealed the action of the FRS to the Tagansky Court of Moscow. On September 7th, hearings were postponed until the 12th of September. Judge Vladimir Proshchenko considered the protest action to be pressure on the court, although the picketers did not pass in immediate proximity of the court building.

About 80 people were assembled. They held posters reading: "RPR - live!", and lists of the regional departments of the party with indications of their numbers (the total number of RPR members, according to the RPR lists, is 63,000 people).

RPR cochairman Vladimir Ryzhkov stated: "The Republican Party of Russia intends to fight for its existence to the end. Today in Russia, the constitutional right of citizens to association is being roughly trampled. The Republican Party decisively protests against this anti-constitutional policy and will attain the protection of the rights of citizens to association by all lawful means, including the Strasbourg Court for Human Rights ".

The Novosibirsk department of the Republican Party has already appealed the incorrect actions of the court of the Central Region of Novosibirsk and has directed its first action to the European Court for Human Rights, according to the RPR press service.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2006-09-07-Rus-36]

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