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MosNews: Hungary Cancels Moscow Trip As Top Prize In Anti-Soviet Uprising Quiz

posted by FerrasB on September, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

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Hungary Cancels Moscow Trip as Top Prize in Anti-Soviet Uprising Quiz



A trip to Moscow will no longer be the top prize in a nationwide school quiz on the Hungarian uprising against Soviet domination, following pressure on the government, AFP reported citing the Hungarian education ministry.

“The winners can go to Paris, the city of revolutions,” the ministry said in a statement on Monday after Education Minister Istvan Hiller changed the award.

The media, politicians and teachers had questioned why the top prize should be a trip to Moscow, the then capital of the Soviet Union, which ordered the bloody suppression of the uprising in 1956.

The final of the quiz tournament will be held on October 23, the 50th anniversary of the uprising, when dozens of world leaders are expected in Budapest to attend the official commemoration.

Hungary’s short-lived uprising broke out on October 23, 1956 and was bloodily crushed by Soviet tanks on November 4, sealing the country’s fate as a satellite-state of Moscow until the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989.

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