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Kavkaz Center: And Quiet Flow Russian Faeces Past The Kremlin...

posted by FerrasB on September, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

And Quiet Flow Russian Faeces Past the Kremlin...
Publication time: 16 September 2006, 17:52
An explosion ripped through a sewage plant in a town outside Moscow on Saturday, killing one to three persons, injuring 12 and leaving two missing.

Authorities did not know what caused the blast in the town of Pavshino, about 5 kilometers (3 miles) beyond Moscow's western periphery.

The explosion completely destroyed the three-story building. It was so powerful that the sound of it was heard in western Moscow. Russian authorities say that 100 liters of a solvent or a heating oil containing fluid dumped into a sewage pit were enough to cause the explosion, hinting at a possible diversion.

A stinking smell from faeces prevail in the area. The Russians fear that the released faeces come again into the Moskva river flowing past the Kremlin.

In May 2005, a diversion group of Chechen Mujahideen under the command of Amir Shamil Basayev blew up transformer stations in Moscow causing blackouts and disrupting the operation of sewage plants outside Moscow which resulted in dozens metric tons of faeces released into the Moskva river and flowing past the Kremlin.

Earlier, the Russian dog Putin promised in his typical slang of a criminal to "wash away (kill) the Chechens in a toilet". So the Chechens created a toilet for him out of his Kremlin in 2005.


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