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PRIMA-News: Russian Radicals Prepare Referendum On Canceling Military Draft

posted by FerrasB on June, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

7.6.2005 12:57 MSK
Russian radicals prepare referendum on canceling military draft
RUSSIA, Moscow. The Russian Radical Party is preparing a referendum on the cancellation of the universal military draft. Due to the unwillingness and incapacity of the present Russian authorities, both executive, and legislative, to change the law concerning the draft, there is only one way left – a national referendum, according to the Secretary of the Russian Radical Party, Nikolai Khramov, at a June 6th press conference at the Independent Press Center in Moscow.

The question of the whether or not to stop the peacetime of the draft will be asked in the referendum. The current military draft was prepared by State Duma Deputy of the Union of Right-Wing Forces, Lieutenant General Eduard Vorobyev.

An initiative-taking group will be created to prepare the referendum. It must work with 45 areas of the federation with no less than 100 people in each. 45 days from the day the initiative-taking group is registered, its regional departments must gather two million signatures to conduct the referendum, Nikolai Khramov said.

Only a professional army can be combat-effective; the military draft in Russia is a form of slavery and a relic of the past, he emphasized.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News [2005-06-06-Rus-19]

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