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Re. Why Russia Still Loves Stalin

posted by FerrasB on March, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Re. Why Russia Still Loves Stalin
In reply to the Respected Lady, Nina L. Khrushcheva, concerning her article, "Why Russia Still Loves Stalin", in the "Washington Post" dated, February 12, 2006, when she mentioned her knowledge about the "secret speech" of 1956,that was presented by her grandfather Nikita Khrushchev,  it is for the sake of plain truth, facts should be mentioned and people should be reminded.
I will start by confirming, admiring and saluting your great courage and your remarkable determination for the human basic rights of self expression, by taking the advantage and the chance of explaining lots of hidden facts and figures that took place in the past Soviet history starting  from the Stalinist Soviet phase, and extending to the time of the Soviet period, where your great Grandfather Mr. Nikita Khrushchev was an important figure in the Soviet state at the time.You are voluntarily tackling the historic phase of the Soviet era, that had created lots of horrible experiences, criminal challenges and genocide operations & threats to all the citizens, individuals, and nations that were subjected to the compulsary imperial and colonial Soviet rule (regardless of all the flickering and fancy names and discriptions) which were given to the Soviet Communist Socialism which represented labors, farmers and all the society's employees and who were raised and recognized by the "then Soviet Communist Regime".
Your great grandfather Mr. Nikita Khrushchev was in most of his credentials while at power, a man of principle and a unique human being of a kind. He was the head of the government and the Soviet Communist regime, but at the same time, he was the human factor in that evil regime that had the civilized respontonsibility to address and defuze certain world crisis cases, human disasters, atrocities, ethnic cleansing and systymatical genocide conspiracies.
The evil Soviet reaction of refusing the peoples' and nations' self-detemination prospects were noticed and identified by the average people (who had their decision and opinion descridited and re-evaluated as per the totalitarian so-called state rules and regulations).
Mr. Nikita Khrushchev was detected as a great and pleasant man that was ready to give back abducted and confiscated rights, and to be brave enough to travel to New York for the United Nations and to take off his shoe to use it for banging the United Nations tables and desks for all concerened to high light certain issues, beside his contribution in building the Egyptian High Dam of Aswan.
He was a real human being at the time in that capacity to authorize and take the courageous decision to end up the suffering, pain and distress of the Chechen Nation, and the Chechens were allowed to return to motherland after years of Stalinic "Russist" tyranny, terrorism, unrestrained power, oppressiveness, brutality, and harsh behaviour.
When the Communist regime's elite detected that this kind of political manners and self-respect would be dangerous on the principles of tyranny, they ousted the cleared concsious leader and removed him from power.
If Mr. Nikita Khrushchev was taken seriously by the rest of the world, and the Soviet Communist ruling party, we would never had reached the present conditions of KGB/FSB power dilemma of colonial and imperial authority grab and control, with dictatorial and totalitarian methods.
A straight forward answer would had been issued towards those who wanted to start a new controversial issues towards the deeds of the rights of all the oppressed nations of the North Caucasus and other colonized nations.
They are quite welcome to choose any Freedom color these days, because getting the right to choose a color, system, or a way of life, would be the free chioce to choose whatever a group. or a nation had decided to select what is suitable for them.
You have a duty to fullfill, which is to continue uncovering other unknown secrets and facts which they were obstructed from the public for all that long time!
The majority of the citizens of the republics of the former Soviet Union were anxcious for tens of years to reach the pleasant moment of getting rid of the nightmere of absoute rules and rulers; but there were certain groups, forces, and opportunists that took the lead of dictatorship from the edge that was reached when the Soviet Union was dismantled.
Some of those who grabbed the power, authorities and the governments were following again Stalin's foot steps who participated in killing more than 30 million human beings. Those new followers, the small Stalin's who erupted from the security agencies, had taken part in going on and following the path of evil in regard to negative conduct, oppression, genocidal wars and dictatorship policies, with special and modern blends.
They even rebuilt, renovated and re-erected Stalin's statues that were destructed by the real people who participated in destroying the former Soviet Union.
Julia Carney said in the year 1845:
"Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land"

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