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CHECHENPRESS: S.Krjukov: I Do Not Make Secret Of My Points Of Views From Anybody

posted by FerrasB on March, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

March, 25, 2006

Sergey Krjukov: "I do not make a secret of my points of views from anybody!"

Krukov S.V., March 13, 2006. CHECHENPRESS, the Department of letters



The announcement-protest

In Right protecting organizations,
In Office of Public Prosecutor.
From the citizen of the Russian Federation Krjukov Sergey Viktorovich                  
Address: Russian Federation. Ulyanovsk. Street. Riabikov, house.48 app. 34                  
Passport 73 02 --------- 731653 given by the Departments of Internal Affairs on         
Zasviajskom ð-nu, Ulyanovsk 05.01.2003.          
Having his own points of views on events.


I am Kriukov S.V. express my resolute protest to the authorities of the Russian Federation concerning illegal actions of employees from UFSB RF of Ulyanovsk region which on March 10, this year made the following: My brother Zaharov Vladimir Lvovich, who currently works as a teacher of the Ulyanovsk Automotive technical school, through the director of this educational institution Pjanov Alexander Konstantinovich was given the phone number 499772 ( +78422499772 ) in Ulyanovsk, offering to call urgently. Those who he phoned to, insisted on an urgent meeting and arrived directly at his workplace, i.e. in Automotive technical school approximately at 12:30 of a day.

The arrived person was in the civilian, presented his business card (covers of red color) with a stamp. The brother did not remember a series and number of the document, because, in the first place, he was not ready for such meetings, and secondly, during the phone call he had not been informed who would arrive for conversation. And the director of Automotive technical school of Ulyanovsk, Pianov. if he knew about the purpose of this meeting for "conversation" and who exactly on it would arrive did not inform anything about it to his subordinated teacher Zaharov V.L.. Since he passed party "school" in Soviet times and for certain is the nomenclature employee of the KGB body, received at present authority of the protege of KGB of Putin V.V., being the president of the Russian Federation, the privilege and benefits.

The arrived person did not explain to my brother who he was, what structure he represented, and asked him the following questions in succession: whether he Knows me, Krjukov S.V.? Whether he maintains whatever relation to me? What sort of my activity is? Whether I am, in his opinion, adequate and responsible? Regarding to the last question I declare that this is provocation, initial formation of the certain opinion with a definite purpose, and is just the abuse, and demand to make the given employee of FSB of the Russian Federation answerable. I think and declare, that this dirty provocation of the Russian special services is connected to my opinion and points of views distinguished from the official point of view, imposed by the state propaganda of the basic part of the country population. To involve thus close relatives, especially openly being to them at the workplace - this is intervention in private life of citizens, moral and psychological pressure upon the person, and I testify this fact.

To every decent and conscious citizens in the country is known, to what criminal methods provokers and dishonest people from FSB of the Russian Federation resort - this is flip to citizens of the weapon, drugs, explosives, forge criminal cases, with the purpose of reception of the repayment, sending to people of criminals with the purpose of involving in conflicts, murder and so forth. To me the surname of the one who exactly came to my brother at work is unknown. But the phone number in Ulyanovsk 499772 ( +78422499772 ) is the phone number of UFSB RF ON the Ulyanovsk region, and it Dudko Alexander Vladimirovich has confirmed with answering a phone îïåðoper-commissioner of UFSB. In a note handed to my brother for the invitation to call, there was another name and patronymic, namely - Jury Nikolaevich who answered the phone in 2 minutes, that man refused to name his surnames, having introduced himself as the officer in a rank of the lieutenant colonel and named himself as oper-commissioner, and having offered me to arrive for conversation, having confirmed, that the conversed on March, 10 2006 in technical school with my brother Zaharovym V.L.

I declare that I refuse to converse with the official person provided by absolute powers and authority, firstly, on my belief, and secondly, for the reason, that this oper-commissioner from IFSB RF on Ulyanovsk region allows abusive activity towards citizens, dismissing hearings about their diminished responsibility, and cowardly refuses to specify his surname. I doubt that my brother Zaharov V.L. will agree to give any testimony in this occasion however, because of this conversation he is in a morally depressed condition, and also, probably, is afraid of prosecutions form the side of the Russian special services. I declare the protest towards authorities of the Russian Federation on the fact of prosecution of me and my close relatives for my opinions and belief.

And if someone is interested in my points of views and opinions then there is no need to interrogate anybody - I will state them myself:

- There are no ideological and state pressure of citizens!!!

- Putin, remember, your crimes against people and persons will find you also as a person - Almighty sees everything!

- Putin if you are a worthy person and think that others are also worthy, make a normal human step - a body of the lost President of Chechen Republic Ichkerija Aslan Alievich Maskhadov should be given to his relatives for burial.

- Aggression and genocide in the sovereign state Chechen Republic Ichkerija - the international crime!

- Freedom to the political prisoners condemned on forged criminal cases - to Michael Trepashkin, Paul Ljuzakov!

- Freedom to businessman Hodorkovsky! Freedom to all political prisoners!

- To stop genocide of the population in Russia, debility and alcoholism of societies!

- party-KGB nomenclature off!

- To people in all regions - the worthy salary!

- Discrimination of people on religious and other motives off!

- Empire of slaves - prison of peoples - RUSSIAN FEDERATION - RUSSIA off!

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