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Sergey Krjukov/Chechenpress: Doesn't It Be Worthwhile To Preserve Our Prison?

posted by FerrasB on February, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

February, 9, 2006

Doesn't It Be worthwhile to preserve our prison?

CHECHENPRESS, the Department of letters, 09.02.06

People-forgiver is doomed to the degradation and the extinction.  

On Wednesday January 25, this year at winter session of PACE,  an event had occurred, which claims on the significance in the second place after the adoption of resolution on the censure of occupation by RF of Chechnya. The discussion deals with the adoption by the session of this organization of resolution with the need for the censure of the crimes of Communist totalitarian regimes, but it is done unambiguously in the form of certain tip for the community, that is, actually, always typical.

For this international body created for hypnotism of vigilance and reason.

First, there is no doubt that the exception from the document of the reference about THE USSR leaves no chances to human rights activists from Russia to produce on a legal basis of the claim to current criminal Kremlin authority, and once again proves bribability of the west of Putin's authority. In the second place, this is the sequential fact, which proves the agreement of European western governments with the Russian State Security Agents into the name of oil and gas.

It is completely clear the position of communists headed by Ziuganov, having arranged on this occasion a manifestation of protest in Strasbourg, glad jackal yelping of Zhirinovsky, who supported, in to peak to its competitor - Communists on the State Duma, this decision. Here is the opinion of the ideologist of the Russian chauvinist Dugin:

"The enemies of Russia in the West", demonizing communism, try to deliver impact on our national self-consciousness, - considers Dugin. - Their purpose is to impart to Russians an inferiority complex and faults. We, certainly, have the moral and historical right to condemn communism because we have paid for it by millions of lives, but not they who have imposed it to us and long time while it was favourable, reconciled with all communistic atrocities".

It would be desirable to tell Kremlin chauvinist Dugin in this occasion: just, if we condemn communism and chekizm in Russia and impart to Russians at least the feeling of fault in this occasion, the inferiority complex will disappear on its own, however, just this inferiority complex is, during last decades, stumbling-block for a way to worthy life of many citizens in the country.

But uninterested person to realize, probably, will not hear, since does not want to understand the court chauvinist Dugin, that nobody imposed so hotly Russian of communism sponsored by it, they have chosen his deformed reason, and made crimes on behalf of chosen by them in those times a rank of "Soviet person".

No, well certainly, representatives of all ethnoses of Empire entered into this definition in any measure, but on number and sense of duty including verdicts, or basically of verdicts, anyhow, representatives of Russian (or so Russian as far as it is favourable in different epoch ruling Kremlin camarillas) the nations undoubtedly dominate.

Certainly, it is very difficult to impart to Russians (and, as a matter of fact, even it is impossible for modern Russians) that notorious feeling of fault for that effected in those times by their ancestors, and therefore, any reform of consciousness in present Russia is not possible. It is impossible for the reason, that high-grade reform of consciousness begins only with comprehension of that in a reality occured in their territory for the last years as far as their near ancestors have applied on this hands. And it goes without saying, this realization will lead to the complete understanding of the essence of present Kremlin authority, to the production of the legislative base, which suppresses the arrival of similar governments at the authority in the future. Actually, as it Byzantine, that writes Dugin, within the best local traditions and the standards.

The question consists in, whether it is necessary to put efforts on preservation of Empire of the Evil equal to which was not and does not exist in the world? Certainly, no, it is not worth. The prison should disappear forever in nonexistence, having taken thus with itself more people with prison thinking - specific thinking of police officers or prisoners.

Arrival now to authority of Russian democrats, basically, fostered in the west, and in the majority under the moderation of Russian special services (if they will not be outstriped by left-wingers), will mean, most likely, the further vegetation of peoples in the zone under the direction of mother country. It is not important where to transfer the centre of this mother country from the Kremlin Moscow: whether in Putin's Peter, in Eltsin's Ekaterinburg though to Khanty-Mansiysk, - it, certainly, will not change the essence.

The set of methods, which will bring with itself these newly appeared Varangians-karzai, is approximately known, it will be extremely primitive, as that: take sovereignty how much you will take away, uproot former "chokn" and "kummuiak" from structures of the state. Well, may, under the sensitive authority will give to print to Tatarstan substitute own currency, but all this will be done under heart-rending spells not demolish hostel - barrack, give, it is said, we will update a barbed wire, and on towers we will hang up light-advertising monitors for general happiness, and that will be gone without the country. We will not be gone, and we will survive.

According to all laws of human existence, the disappearance of the Russian Empire of evil from the map of the World is outlined in advance and is inevitable. But what then?

In questions of formation of the states on former geographical space of the Russian Federation, partly interested states from the west or from Asia most likely will be engaged. Probably as, that some regions in which there are developed oil fields and other minerals, will begin to lift the economy independently and quite about these will cope. Finally will be created, probably, or joint economic zones, or in some places of the state to historical attributes, for example, Volga Bulgariya etc.

It is necessary to hope and wish, that the part of the population (and it there will be reasonable and conscious citizens) will accept the Islam, will wish enter in Umma, and will be created.

The Islamic State - caliphate, which will begin to serve as an example for the remaining people and it will gradually enlarge its territory due to those voluntarily joining. And it will be the most worthy choice for many.

Sergey Krjukov, the leader of Movement «STOP-dictatorship", Ulyanovsk.


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