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MosNews: Gorbachev Concerned Over Stalinism Restoration Under Putin

posted by FerrasB on February, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Mikhail Gorbachev / Photo from

Mikhail Gorbachev / Photo from
Gorbachev Concerned Over Stalinism Restoration Under Putin

Created: 13.02.2006 17:44 MSK (GMT +3


First and last Soviet president,Mikhail Gorbachev, has expressed concern over the reanimation of Joseph Stalin’s cult in today’s Russia.

“What had appeared in the 1930s, is preserved now, too. We see Stalin’s portraits, see sort of a renaissance of (Stalinism) in the media, in the theaters, there are attempts to preserve Stalinism, it is very serious,” Gorbachev was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying at a news conference.

He reminded of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union where Stalin’s cult was deflated. He said that the Congress and subsequent Perestroika were “organically tied and this is the reason why some people consider (both events) as treason.”

Speaking on the current Russian president Vladimir Putin’s policies, Gorbachev said he was able to “overcome the chaos, the lack of stability and probably also the country’s collapse.” However, he agreed with the critics who see the “managed democracy.” Gorbachev expressed his disagreement with the cancellation of direct elections of regional leaders in Russia but he agreed that some of the governors “took measures that were by no means democratic, to hold power.”

Gorbachev refused to call Putin’s regime authoritarian, he said Russian citizens supported their president “because they see he wishes his country and his compatriots good.”

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