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MosNews: One More Synagogue Attacked In Russia

posted by FerrasB on January, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

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One More Synagogue Attacked in Russia

Created: 14.01.2006 12:10 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 13:46 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1137235579)); </SCRIPT>


In the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, an intoxicated young man shouting anti-Semitic slogans was detained on Friday as he tried to enter a synagogue, local media reported.

The 19-year-old youth came to the with a neck of broken bottle in his hand and threatened to stab the people who were in the building demanding meeting with the rabbi. Security guards alerted police. After a preliminary investigation, the man who neither works nor studies anywhere, has been jailed for five days for hooliganism and later faced similar charge.

During a questioning the hooligan said he was inspired by the Wednesday attack on Moscow synagogue, where Alexander Koptsev, 20, allegedly stabbed and wounded eight worshipers.

Koptsev has been already charged with racially motivated attempted murder, assault and actions aimed at humiliating national or religious groups.

The Moscow prosecutors’ office was quoted by Associated Press as saying that he had confessed during an interrogation that he had committed the crime “out of envy toward them (Jews), since they live better,” and that he had been inspired by books and Internet sites. He also told investigators that one of his motivations was “my desire to die,” it said.

For his part, the Rostov attacker said he wanted to revenge for his hapless life.

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