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Agency Caucasus: Assembly Of Protection Of Sovereignty Of Chechen Republic...

posted by FerrasB on October, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Assembly of Protection of Sovereignty of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria calls the United Nations to recognize independence of the Chechen Republic
02.10.2005 - 00:00:41

´´We ask the United Nations to create Special Investigatory Committee for investigation of war crimes of Russia in the Chechen Republic and on Caucasus...´´

In connection with resolution of SB the United Nations about inadmissibility of confrontations, and instigations to terrorism, the Assembly of Protection of the Sovereignty of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria calls the United Nations to recognize aggression of Russia against the Chechen State as the display of terrorism on the state level.

APS of CHRI calls the United Nations Organization to recognize struggle of the Chechen people asserting the independence, restored as will of Chechen people, with struggle against the international terrorism.

War against the Chechen State, unleashed by revanchist forces of Russia is a crime against humanity, and demonstrative display practice of the international terrorism, directed on deduction of colonial peoples and the countries of Caucasus under occupation.

Proceeding military aggression of Russia against the Chechen State represents threat for the world and safety not only in the Caucasian region, but also in the Russia.

The criminal regime of militian revenge which has become stronger in Moscow, carries out a genocide in Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CHRI), simultaneously leading a policy of severe racial discrimination of the minority peoples who being under the occupation of Russia.

The assembly of Protection of the Sovereignty of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (APS of CHRI) constantly receives messages which testify to severe both terrible tortures, and death as a result of these tortures used by invaders and their puppets in concentrational camps, created on occupied territory of CHRI, and as in other regions of Caucasus and Russia.

About the present day thousand cases of brazen violations of the human rights, remaining unknown because of information blockade around the Chechen State were confirmed.

APS of CHRI into which the Society of Prisoners of Concentrational Camps enters, continues each day to receive set of messages on the horrors occuring in torture chambers of Russian concentrational camps.

Only for the period of the current year by Assembly it was received 300 messages on murders and cases of severe tortures of Moslems.

Many experts on legal questions classified Putin´s military campaign for destruction CHRI, as a genocide of its population.

Meanwhile, the international organizations are still aimed at the decision of minor, humanitarian questions which poultices may help Chechen people as dead poultice.

The steady impression is created, that these actions are the lies before the eyes of the international public to distract attention from the scandalous facts of a genocide of Chechen nation.

We ask the United Nations to create Special Investigatory Committee for investigation of war crimes of Russia in the Chechen Republic and on Caucasus and revealings of the facts of so-called threat of ´´Islamic terrorism´´ in CHRI to which the occupational side refers.

The international expert group of the United Nations where should enter, both western and Islamic scholars and politicians, might check up presence of such threat and if it will not find its confirmation, to demand to withdraw Russia armies from CHRI.

The facts of a genocide of Chechen people which are available for the authority of CHRI, and heads of public organizations will be submitted the authorized representatives of this organization.

APS of CHRI calls the United Nations to stop indulging a genocide of Chechen people and to undertake effective steps for the termination of murder, which victims (1994 - 2005) became about 260 000 citizens of CHRI, including 42 thousand Chechen children under the age of 11.

APS of CHRI calls the United Nations to lead independent investigation of the reasons of the beginning of the Russian-Chechen wars and to recognize independence of the Chechen State created by Chechen people on the basis of the right of the nations on free self-determination.

Rights and freedom fixed by the General declaration of human rights, the International pacts about economic, social and cultural rights, about civil and political rights, other conventional international legal actions, are one of the most important bases of political system of CHRI which is going to build the relations with the other states on the basis of equality, the peace, good neighbourhood.

Assembly of Protection of Sovereignty of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria


120905 Chechnya

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