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PRIMA-News: Threats To Victor Shenderovich

posted by FerrasB on October, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

25.10.2005 14:01 MSK
Threats to Victor Shenderovich
Victor Shenderovich
Victor Shenderovich
RUSSIA, Moscow. Journalist Victor Shenderovich, who advanced his candidacy for parliamentary elections for the 201st Moscow region, has been threatened by president Putin’s administration.

Shenderovich reports in a special statement that on October 21st he met Aleksandr Levin, the producer of the program "Practical Politics" (on NTV, headed by Gleb Pavlovsky) at Levin’s initiative. Levin communicated to him the bewilderment of unnamed colleagues in the president's administration at Shenderovich’s candidacy for state deputy.

Shenderovich writes in his statement:
" Levin explained in more detail:
- The unnamed colleagues of the presidential administration suffered and were ready to suffer me further as journalist, but they consider politics "their field", to which I “categorically cannot enter without their permission";
- That if I decided to go into politics, then I must enter into contact with these people and begin "to negotiate as to how everything will be done ";
- That they related to me well personally but my further actions outside of these understandings would be considered by them as a "disturbance of the rules of game", requiring reciprocal actions".

Shenderovich understood from the conversation with Levin, that the "reciprocal actions" would be in the form of actions of a criminal nature against him or members of its family.

The statement, in which Victor Shenderovich requests law-enforcement agencies to ensure his safety, was directed to Police Department № of 83 Presnensky OVD Moscow.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2005-10-24-Rus-07]

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