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Chechenpress: A. Zakaev: “In Russia All Muslems Are Chechens”

posted by FerrasB on June, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

June, 08, 2005

A. Zakaev: “In Russia all Moslems are Chechens”

The application of the Minister of the Government of the ChRI, the Special Representative of the President of the ChRI, Ahmed Zakaev

London , the 7 th of June


In connection with the information about the amplification of reprisals in relation to Moslems in the territory of the Russian Federation , the Special Representative of the President of the ChRI Ahmed Zakaev has made the following application:

“The Government and the people of the Chechen Republic express solidarity to their brothers – Moslems of Russia, who are subjected to reprisals and discrimination from the regime of V.V. Putin. Scoffing at Moslems across Russia and genocide of the Chechen people are links of one chain, the chain of racism, and hatred to “non-Russians”, with which Putin tries to strengthen his criminal authority.

Today in Russia each Moslem is a Chechen, and it makes us, Chechens, responsible. Having stood up staunchly with weapon in our hands for our independence, we simultaneously fight for honor and human advantage of each Moslem of Russia, who has been subjected to humiliation, offences, extortions, beatings, and tortures by the racist regime of the Kremlin.

We do not call our brothers for violence. But we say that to hope for the favor of the militia-FSB regime, to demand lawfulness and validity from the Kremlin authority means to offer a cheek to the offender, but it does not correspond to our traditions.

Thirty millions of Moslems of Russia are a great power. Dear brothers, your struggle for your human rights and our struggle for independence is one and the same struggle, for we have the common enemy!”



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