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PRIMA-News: Oborona Movement Sets Up Sections In Ten Russian Regions

posted by FerrasB on April, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

20.4.2005 19:45 MSK
Oborona movement sets up sections in ten Russian regions
RUSSIA, Moscow. On 19 April, Oborona (Defence) youth movement began to operate in ten Russian regions in addition to Moscow. The movement is setting up local activists’ action groups.

The statement of Oborona movement lists cities where sections are being set up and names of movement’s regional coordinators: Vladimir Kosarev in Volgograd, Dmitry Volov in Mourmansk, Vyacheslav Loukin in Nizhny Novgorod, Yury Bobrov in Perm, Pavel Kravtsov in Samara, Alexander Shourshev in Saint Petersburg, Roman Ladozhin in Smolensk, Stanislav Smakotin in Tomsk, Alexander Braghin in Uliyanovsk, Anatoly Kouznetsov in Chelyabinsk.

In conversation with PRIMA-News correspondent, Iliya Yashin, a coordinator of Oborona movement, noted the importance of the local sections and their work in the streets and in higher education institutions which will allow to organise a nation-wide mass youth protest movement. Yashin said that the newly established sections have been given an important opportunity to develop independently.

Iliya Yashin told PRIMA-News correspondent about the progress on "sticker campaign" in Moscow. He said that so far some 5,000 stickers have been placed around the capital.

Translated by Olga Sharp
PRIMA-News Agency [2005-04-19-Rus-18]

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