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KC: Moscow Police Brutally Dispersed Peaceful Demonstration Of Caucasians Protesting Against FSB-Staged Pogroms

posted by eagle on December, 2010 as Freedom and Fear

Moscow police brutally dispersed peaceful demonstration of Caucasians protesting against FSB-staged pogroms

Publication time: 15 December 2010, 20:49 

Moscow police arrested on Wednesday over 800 peaceful Caucasian immigrants, protesting against FSB-staged Caucasian pogroms.


Immigrants from the Caucasus were rounded up by hundreds of baton-wielding riot police in dark helmets in brutal action. Some 3,000 members of Russian bloody special forces units in armored vehicles had sealed off the area around the city's Kiev station, where peaceful demonstrators tried to hold an anti-racist rally.


Numerous passersby rushed away from the area in order to avoid any possible police violence. The local subway station and a shopping centre were closed. Numerous injuries were reported. AP reporters could see police rounding men from the Caucasus.


A huge shopping mall just outside the station shut down hours ahead of schedule, and most stands at a nearby flower market, operated mostly by people from the Caucasus, were shut. Authorities towed cars early in the morning in anticipation of arrests.


Thousands of FSB agents beat and killed Caucasians around Moscow's Red Square last weekend, attacking immigrants, after an undercover FSB thug named Sviridov, pretending to be a football fan, was shot dead in self-defense by a Caucasus when the criminal tried to murder him in a Moscow street.


According to experts, the Russian football scene has been heavily infiltrated by the KGB-FSB. Dozens of immigrants are murdered every year by FSB agents in Russia, which is due to host the 2018 football World Cup.


Source: Agencies / edited

Kavkaz Center

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