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kc: Russian News Agency Rosbalt Is Lying

posted by eagle on April, 2010 as Freedom and Fear

Russian news agency Rosbalt is lying

Publication time: Today at 12:06 Emirate time 

The Russian news agency Rosbalt, known for its close relationship with the KGB, and a number of other Russian media outlets after it reported on Friday that Finnish police reportedly opened a criminal case against a well-known journalist and social activist of Finland, Mikael Storsjo, whom Russian terrorist gang of the FSB proclaimed Kavkaz Center's sponsor.


However, this information is false all the way through and does not represent the facts.


Rosbalt's report claimed that a certain head of the anti-fascist committee of Finland, Johan Bikmon, told the news agency that the criminal case were instituted under articles "Aggravated threats, insults" and "Participation in the activities of terrorist groups".


The investigation has reportedly already begun on the application of "pastor" Juhi Malori and the former head of one of the fire departments of Finland and the former head of the Islamic Party of Finland, Abdala Tami, who were publically with a scandal was ousted a few months ago from his position for unacceptable remarks against the Muslims of the Caucasus.


Rosbalt claimed that Mikael Storsjo's article were allegedly published on the Kavkaz Center after the explosions in the Moscow metro where he "was admiring the actions of suicide bombers, blew themselves up in the Moscow subway". In doing so the agency did not give a link to the specified article on the KC.


There were also reports with reference to the journalist of the Paris paper "Russian thought", Tatyana Mas, that Mikael Storsjo has allegedly threatened Malori and Tami, but no references to the threats had also been presented.


"In the near future I would also file an application on Storsjo to the police department in Paris", a journalist Mas has threatened.


"Storsjo expressly declaring that he supports and finances the Chechen separatists", Johan Bikmon revealed a sedition.


Interestingly that in a few hours after the Rosbalt's publication Bikmon disavowed this report, but none of the Russian media outlets had reported anything regarding this.


According to KC's source, the day before (Thursday) before the Friday appearance of Rosbalt's misinformation about a criminal case against Mikael Storsjo, the group - "a pastor" Malori, Tami, and "an anti-fascist" Bikmon tried to hold a press conference in Helsinki to make a statement. However, only 3 people came to the press conference.


Despite this the Finnish TV showed a statement by former fireman and head of the Islamic Party, Tami, where he claimed he has been sentenced to death on the Kavkaz Center website. Tami, however, did not give links to "a death sentence".


Interestingly that immediately after the statements of Tami and his accomplices - Malori and Bikman, a Finnish TV (Channel Four) aired comment by the spokesman of the Security Police of Finland, where false reports of criminal cases against Mikael Storsjo were denied.


In addition, a spokesman for the Security Police of Finland said in an interview to Channel Four that, quote - "The web site Kavkaz-Center consists no threat to the security of Finland".


He also pointed out that the Chechen issue does not threaten the interests of Finland and that, quote - "Acording to current information, there are no people in Finland having contacts to terrorists".


(The text and video can be seen at this link)


Journalist and social activist of Finland, Mikael Storsjo, has commented the news agency Kavkaz Center the false reports of the Russian press and the activities of Bikman-Malori-Tami group.


"We are not dealing with political actors, it's about a few somehow narcisstic people. They want attention, they have omnipotent characters. Nobody in Finland is really interested in these people trying to get attention.


In last press conference on Thursday they had 3 (three) people present. Their ability to get attention in Finland has got lost, because there are no arguments from their side. That's why they go to Nashi and other extreme nationalist societies in Russia - these unsuccessful people get the attention they can't get among educated and clever people in Finland.


Two weeks ago they made a BIG story in the Russian main news channel - "Russian children are kidnapped by Finnish authorities because they are Russians".


Putin's close friend and envoy went to Finland - the guy who is responsible for child care in Russia. He did not stop in St.Petersburg, where there are some 100.000 homeless street children. No, he went to Turku in Finland, where he was angry that Finnish authorities try to safe a small child from his father (alcoholic and violent) and his mother (originate from Russia, alcoholic and violent to her child as well).


Now Kavkaz Center and me personally is an object for this scum. I could not care less.


According to my information, one of these three guys has alone made over 70 requests for investigations to the police. All have been pulled down. But before that, he has made news stories in Russia.


Let's go back to business - this people just want to disturb us in our struggle for a free Caucasus. They want to provocate, but we don't get provocated. They are like pigs that want to fight in the mud - but we are not pigs, we don't want to fight with pigs; you just get dirty and the pig likes it."


Department of the Current Information,
Kavkaz Center

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