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Adygeanatpress: Muslim Leaders Against State Orthodox Symbolics Of Russia

posted by FerrasB on December, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Muslim leaders against state orthodox symbolics of Russia
The orthodox symbolics on the Russian arms causes ambiguous reaction of citizens of the country. The majority of Muslim leaders and scientists call up to take off orthodox symbolics from the arms of Russia. We shall remind: in the center of the arms of Russia the orthodox sacred George the Winner, killing the snake, is pictured; the head of the two-headed eagles is decorated with crowns and crosses; one more cross is on power symbol in the bird’s paw.

Russia is a secular and multi-confessional state, therefore the Russian state symbolics should symbolize multinationality of the Russian state. According to the latest population census, 10 percent of inhabitants of the country are Muslems and consequently the orthodox symbolics on the Russian arms is an infringement of human rights, as authoritative figures of Islam who have called representatives of authority to reconsider the affiar, suppose.

"In this case it is a question not only of the Russian arms. Pray crosses are put on the frontier posts and entrances to cities, in cabinets they hang icons. These facts - sending of Christian symbols in space, giving of Christian icons to the armies of Russian Federation, for example, to the rocket armies, presence of four large crosses on the Russian arms – those facts speak about pressure of the Christian symbolics", - the chairman of the Spiritual management of Muslems of the Asian part of Russia (SMMAPR) Nafigulla Ashirov in his interview to the Internet Аgency "Islam-Info". "Let's simultaneously construct then everywhere mosques, synagogues, churches, pagodas. And then we shall reach the point of irrationality", - he added.

"Muslems constantly lift this problem. For example, in Dagestan some Moslems-militiamen file crosses on their cocardes as those crosses contradict their belief and religion. Certainly, this question still was put by nobody but this problem exists", - told Ashirov on air of the radio station "Echo of Moscow".

At the same time Ashirov was against giving to symbols of the state any signs on some religious faith. In the Constitution it is told that Russia is a secular state, therefore it is necessary to avoid any religious symbols as a whole. "Religion is a private issue; it is impossible to put it on religious level. It is also impossible to impose Christian religion at the state level", - he added.

"If President Putin says that Russia, simultaneously being both Christian and Muslim state, remains a secular country it should be executed that way. Otherwise it is necessary to change the Constitution and to declare openly that Russia is a Christian state", - considered Ashirov.

Adherents of Islam only in Moscow (as Moscow mayor Jury Luzhkov had informed earlier), made more than 2 million people, and as a whole across Russia - more than 20 million, noted Ashirov.

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