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MosNews: Moscow Protests Against Nationalism

posted by FerrasB on December, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Anti-nationalist march in Moscow ready to start under banners saying ’Russia without Nationalism’ / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

Anti-nationalist march in Moscow ready to start under banners saying ’Russia without Nationalism’ / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,
Moscow Protests Against Nationalism

Created: 19.12.2005 13:17 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:01 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1134990076)); </SCRIPT>

On Sunday, the latest in the series of dueling rallies over growing anti-immigrant sentiment in Moscow this fall looped through several backstreets in the Russian capital, the New York Times reported.

Last month, more than 1,000 nationalists marched openly down Moscow’s central thoroughfare on Nov. 4, some handing out racist fliers.
Then, about three weeks later, the police broke up a counterprotest on the same street and detained some of the organizers of what was called an “anti-nationalist” response to the original rally.

The marches have touched on a simmering issue of rising hate and crimes against foreigners, particularly migrant workers from other parts of the old Soviet Union. The marches also raised a question of who has the right to assemble in President Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

The march on Sunday, in freezing weather and heavy snow, drew more than 1,500 people and was the largest street protest by opposition groups since June, a testament to how rare such public displays have become. A coalition of liberal political parties and human rights groups organized the rally.

Walking through a thick layer of slush on the streets, the crowd followed a banner reading “Russia without Nationalism.” Participants waved Russian flags that snapped in an icy wind, and chanted “Nationalism Will Not Pass!”

Some strayed into other issues during the march and rally, which lasted about hour and a half. One woman carried a sign saying, “Stop the <NOBR>Chechen War</NOBR>.”

As Russia’s economy picks up, demand for labor, particularly in the booming construction market, is drawing workers from former Soviet republics. Most come from <NOBR>Ukraine</NOBR> and Kazakhstan. The growing anti-immigrant movement is partly a response to this variant of a wider European issue.

Yet the rise of youth hate groups is also entangled in Russian politics, say some opposition politicians, who see an official policy of allowing anti-immigrant youth groups to flourish while tamping down other movements, particularly those of pro-Western democrats.

The Moscow mayor’s office granted nationalists and Communist groups a permit to march on Tverskaya Street on Nov. 4 but declined a similar permit for the anti-fascist march on Nov. 27, which led to the police crackdown. Authorities cited traffic concerns.

’Hitler Kaputt!’ says the banner / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

’Hitler Kaputt!’ says the banner / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

Young men demanding ’Freedom for Decembrists!’ / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

Young men demanding ’Freedom for Decembrists!’ / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

’Russia, you are a winter kiss!’ says the banner quoting Russian poet Velimir Khlebnikov / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

’Russia, you are a winter kiss!’ says the banner quoting Russian poet Velimir Khlebnikov / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

A rally organizer shoos away demonstrator holding banners that say ’Glory to Russia! Away with the Nazi Occupants!’ Police promptly tore the banner to pieces as provocative. / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

A rally organizer shoos away demonstrator holding banners that say ’Glory to Russia! Away with the Nazi Occupants!’ Police promptly tore the banner to pieces as provocative. / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

Anti-nationalist rally in full swing / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

Anti-nationalist rally in full swing / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

’Cats today, people tomorrow?’ was another banner to be torn by the police as provocative / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

’Cats today, people tomorrow?’ was another banner to be torn by the police as provocative / Photo by Nicholas Danilov,

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