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PRIMA-News: PRIMA-News Correspondent Advances In Freedom Prize Competition

posted by FerrasB on November, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

18.11.2005 11:54 MSK
PRIMA-News correspondent advances in Freedom Prize competition
SPAIN. Palma de Mallorca. The 175th session of the Executive Committee of Liberal International - the Association of Liberal Parties and the World Peace Movement, was held on the 5 – 6th of November. The Secretary for International Relations of the Cuban party of Democratic Solidarity and correspondent of the Russian information agency PRIMA –News, journalist Adolfo Fernandez Sain, has advanced in the competition for the Freedom Prize given out yearly by Liberal International.

Chairman of the Liberal Party of Cuba, Hector Maseda Gutierrez is also a finalist. Both dissidents are now in prison. Adolfo Fernandez has been sentenced to 15 years, and Hector Maseda to 20 years in prison. In a resolution on conditions in Cuba, accepted at the Executive Committee session of Liberal International, they noted that the present Cuban regime manifests a persistent unwillingness to voluntarily begin the process of democratization in the country and stated that "democracy in Cuba can be achieved only by the mass, unanimous, and peaceful anti-government uprising of Cubans demanding democratic change". The resolution called on the international community to make its contribution to the democratic process in Cuba by rendering "moral, financial and political aid to those Cuban organizations inside, and outside of Cuba that are fighting for peaceful democratization".

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2005-11-17-Cuba-20]

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