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PRIMA-News: State Duma Repeals Threshold On Voter Participation In Elections...

posted by FerrasB on November, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

20.11.2006 21:21 MSK
State Duma repeals threshold on voter participation in elections and bans candidates from criticising opponents
Russia, Moscow. On 17 November the Russian State Duma in its third reading passed an amendment to the bill on “the basic guarantees of the rights of voters and the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in referenda”. In particular, a clause was omitted from the bill, pronouncing elections void if less than 20 per cent of the voters on the electoral roll participated in them.

The bill also forbids registered candidates and electoral groupings from calling on voters to vote against other candidates or lists of candidates during televised political broadcasts; describing the possible negative results of a victory by other candidates or lists or candidates; distributing literature clearly dominated by information on a particular candidate or electoral grouping and accompanied by negative commentary, encouraging voters to form negative opinions toward that candidate or grouping.

Information agency PRIMA-News [2006-11-17-Rus-07]

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