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Chechenpress: The Target Of Movement "STOP-Dictatorship"

posted by FerrasB on October, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

October, 6, 2005

The target of Movement "STOP-dictatorship"

In sovereign Republic Tatarstan prosecutions of the citizens professing the Islam proceed, prosecutions of people for their religious and political views proceed. This regrettable fact means only one - the beginning of a paralysis of working Kremlin authority, that authority which always professed only one cult - a cult of lie, meanness and violence. The mode of dictator Putin obviously leads to a deadend.

Today is already senseless to consider and analyze such theses as "state for a person" or as it and was always in Russia, "a person for the state". Today all here living, and especially those people which have simply civic position are hostages of state machinery, system which with identical cruelty mills right and guilty. It is proved with the facts of last time: Michael Trepashkins arrest, prosecutions of moslems in sovereign Tatarstan and others, all of known cases and the facts of discrimination of citizens. Russia - is an eternal, slow, progressing, Dictatorship.

And present time can be named with full confidence a stage, a coil, transition in a progressing phase of the next dictatorship. In all cases only characters and scenery vary, but there is constant parasitizing authority. Authority which exists for the sake of authority, instead of for the sake of a society and the person. Present agonizing Russia is dangerous to everyone as it is peculiar to a dying animal. The authority is ready to seize dead anyone, hoping to be rescued.

Workers of gangster structures of "MIA" , criminal grouping "FSS of RF" frequently are simply mentally not adequate and represent serious threat for the person not from their environment, not sticking to their jackal mentality going against their unwritten criminal laws. Anyone, got in their hands, risks to be banaly robed, plundered to undergo to physical, moral and psychological pressure, and frequenly to lose life. They may take anyones property, business, freedom. It also is the initial stage of any dictatorship. The Supreme Kremlin authority in this case gives all in hands of the minions, and those make what is called "meanness".

Movement "STOP-dictatorship" offers to create the unit list of crimes of a present Kremlin dictatorial mode where all facts of these crimes will be brought. It is necessary for the future - inevitable and inevitable - fair court above Putin's criminals in authority. For court which for ever should finish with empire of Evil, with Dictatorship, with that monster that refers to as Russia, having secured against it the future generations.

Off empire - freedom to peoples!

Sergey Krjukov, the leader of Movement «STOP-dictatorship", Ulyanovsk.

Chechenpress, the Department of letters, 06.10.05.

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