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Mansur Mazaev/Chechenpress: Liubiansk’s Bog Began To Croak

posted by FerrasB on October, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

October, 27, 2005

Liubiansk’s bog began to croak

Who about what, but lousy about a bath. Provided that Anna Politkovskaia or her colleague Julia Latynina write only about weather in the Chechen Republic, in this case, somewhere in the middle of a narration, the wicked "vakhkhabist" necessarily will lean out from "the foggy mountains of Ichkeria". It is nothing to talk about materials referring to supposedly right protecting subjects, - the crimes of the Russian authorities will be listed in details, but also they, eventually, will be justified, reminding, that "Vakhkhabists are worse". It seems that, it is such general line, as for creative people in the USSR - in any production not to forget mentioning the role of a party, and so even now, the main thing not to forget interlacing "vakhkhabists" in a plot.

Anyone, who has the opportunity to visit Chechen Republic, can without difficulty learn about the relation of the population to so-called "vakhkhabists" and estimate the crimes, committed by occupational crowd on behalf of the Russian authorities. Even that delirium which was contrived by russian propaganda to the address of the Chechen Republic during 1997-99, and having rather weak attitude to the truth, long ago grew gim before real crimes, committed by Russia in Caucasus today. Nevertheless, this worn out gramophone record has been spinning for already sixth years and, it seems that, one who placed it on has lost touch with reality. To talk, that the population of today's Chechen Republic is afraid of and suffers from certain "vakhkhabists" or warriors of Resistance, can only the same shameless person, as the one who begins to prove as if the population of the Chechen Republic likes the federals and followers of Kadirov.

Secret here is not in poor information distribution continuing to untwist "vakhkhabists" theme of the Russian so-called liberal - opposition commentators. They give out themselves with giblets when authorities appear in really inconvenient condition, and on the spot they throw off the masks of opposition.

Recently Julia Lytynina had her nerves weakened who have expressed concerning possible negative consequences for authorities because of interview with Basaev in connection with events in Beslan.

Let's remind, that Basaev in detail told that he preceded Beslan events., how the Russian authorities allowed to make diversions with human victims in the territory of Russia to strengthen trust of mojaheds to the agent introduced to them. Although, the agent that time repented and began to work on mojaheds. Basaev also told, that under the same script, in contact to special services of Russia, operation on capture of parliament of Northern Ossetia, with the prepared trap for its participants was planned, but mojaheds managed to outwit special services as a result of which happened events in Beslan.

To name Latinina as stupid - will be unfair, however, the journalist, known for her investigations, with strange manner nothing had noticed in the interview with Basaev. She simply named him liar. We will remind, that her colleague - Politkovskaia, as well as the Russian Office of Public Prosecutor, was limited to that she named the interview with Basaev as delirium. Interview with Basaev answered even on a course of Putin not having any intelligible explanation on a cancellation of elections of heads of the regions, made by him right after the events in Beslan. But also this fact has not drawn attention to Russian "independent" investigators. After all, happen, under the script of special services, capture of parliament in Ossetia, to successful liquidation of all aggressors, including Basaev, unless someone would dare to object occurrence on Putin's white horse with the decree about a cancellation of elections? Such decisions are prepared beforehand, and bewilderment of commentators concerning Putin's initiative is scattering at acquaintance with interview with Basaev from which it is clear, what event putiners were preparing to make an occasion of cancellation of elections.

However all this is not important, will think, allowed to blow up and shoot own citizens to be rubred in trust to Basaev, shot from tanks and flame throwers to pupils or, have driven in a stall the population of the country, having deprived with the suffrage. Latinina beats alarm in other occasion:

"On the anniversary of Beslan tragedies Shamil Basaev published on a website "Kavkaz-Center" announcement, no less false, than the majority of announcements of authorities. But in this basaev's announcement more similar to the art novel, there is one terrible phrase. "We have the alive participant of these events", - declared Basaev. Most likely, it is the truth. Before storm terrorists changed clothes in a civil dress, at school it had been found thrown by them camouflage costumes, and no corpse of the terrorist was in civil form.

For what is Basaev waiting for? Yes for the verdict of court.

You imagine: they are reading a verdict of Nurpashi Kulaev. The verdict in which it is told, that terrorists were 32, that all of them arrived with "Gaz-66", that the weapon was not at school beforehand.

And this very day Basaev distributes the story of the real terrorist. With videoproofs.

It will be the postponed information of act of terrorism. And this time information bombs accurately will hang out itself Office of Public Prosecutor" ("Novaia Gazeta" 03.10. 05).

Terrible danger of which warns Latinina, consists that in danger there is a harmonous version about events in Beslan, stated to Office of Public Prosecutor and authority. What for need Putin to command in Beslan certain Kolesnikov while russian authorities have such vigilant protectors who are worried not about the search of the truth, but the danger of lie exposure.

Mansur Mazaev, Chechenpress, 27.10.05

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