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VOA: Top Official In Russia's Itar-Tass News Agency Killed

posted by FerrasB on October, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Top Official in Russia's Itar-Tass News Agency Killed
By VOA News
16 October 2006

The business chief of the Russian state news agency Itar-Tass has been stabbed to death in his central Moscow apartment.

Authorities say 55-year-old Anatoli Voronin died of multiple knife wounds. Reuters news agency quotes prosecutors as saying police are looking at several possible murder scenarios, including a theory the killing may be linked to a personal dispute rather that his work.

Flowers at the Moscow building where Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was killed

Flowers at the Moscow building where Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was killed
The death is the latest in a spate of high-profile killings in Moscow in the past month. Acclaimed journalist Anna Politkovskaya was shot and killed in an apparent contract murder October 7. There have been no arrests.

Deputy Central Bank governor and anti-corruption advocate Andrei Kozolov and his driver were shot dead in Moscow on September 13.

A Moscow court Monday approved the detention of three suspects in that killing, which is widely thought to be connected to his anti-crime efforts.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, Bloomberg and Reuters.

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