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Chechenpress: Russian Invaders Experience The Wild Fear Even In India

posted by FerrasB on September, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

September, 9, 2005

The Russian invaders experience the wild fear before the Chechen warriors even in India

Russia has demanded from authorities of India to permit its "ambassador" in this country, certain V.Trubnikov to go everywhere with armed security forces. After FSB of the Russian Federation has ostensibly warned Trubnikov, that his life is under the threat, so-called " the embassy of the Russian Federation " has directed the appropriate request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India.

The Indian special services, no less than FSB, consider, that threats towards Trubnikov "may be" proceeded from the Muslim organizations of Kashmir jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashker-e-Taieba, which conduct, just like as Chechen people struggle for creation of the independent state and ostensibly they are connected with Chechen mojaheds. In this connection, India recently has increased protection around of a jack of terrorists, so-called " the Russian embassy ", in New Delhi.

On the other hand, the Indian special services mark, that "ambassador" Trubnikov is the old and terry Russian terrorist and a member of the international terrorist organization of FSB of the Russian Federation, the Indian newspaper " Hindustan Times " informs.

Let's remind, that the head of a gang of the Russian terrorists in Qatar, who killed Iandarbaev, was Russian "diplomat" in this country.

Chechenpress, 09.09.05

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