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Interfax: Trepashkin Under Arrest Again - Wife

posted by FerrasB on September, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Sep 18 2005 1:34PM
Trepashkin under arrest again - wife

MOSCOW. Sept 18 (Interfax) - Ex-Federal Security Service colonel Mikhail Trepashkin, earlier released from prison, has been arrested again, Trepashkin's wife Tatyana told Interfax.

"My husband has been taken away. I was told he is under arrest," Tatyana said, noting that her husband had been arrested by officials with Moscow's Zyuzinskoye interior department.

Law enforcement agencies' comments on this information are not available to Interfax.

Trepashkin earlier told Interfax that about 20 policemen encircled his home and attempted to arrest him on Sunday.

The Moscow District Military Court had sentenced Trepashkin to four years in prison for disclosing a state secret.

After serving one third of the term Trepashkin filed a request for early release.

The court granted Trepashkin's request and freed him ahead of time. But prosecution appealed this decision.

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