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News: Members Of «Defense» Picket In St. Petersburg To Protect Rights

posted by FerrasB on September, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

13.9.2005 20:02 MSK
Members of the youth movement «Defense» picket in St. Petersburg to protect voting rights.
RUSSIA, St. Petersburg. Activists from the youth movement «Defense» organized individual picketing in Smolny in defense of citizens’ voting rights, announced the St. Petersburg department of «Yablako».

Local authorities banned «Defense» activists from conducting demonstrations in Smolny and the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly. The activists are not required by law to inform the authorities in order to hold meetings, demonstrations, processions and picketing.

The participants, wearing football – jerseys of the movement «Defense» that read «Without choice», held the election ballots in their hands. The ballot displayed only the last name of the voter and no line to state his/her choice, but, instead, the signatures of the members of the «voting committee»: Vladimir Putin, Vladislav Surkov, Ilya Klebanov.

The demonstration concluded with one of the demonstrators – Alexander Fadeev – receiving a criminal record of an administrative violation (for organizing unsanctioned public activity).

PRIMA – News Agency [2005-09-13-Rus – 18]

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