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: MIDC: Caucasian journalists answered Pax Christi 23 06 2006

posted by FerrasB on August, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Caucasian journalists answered Pax Christi 23 06 2006

Friday, 23 June 2006

Dear Mr. Gio De Weerd,

Higly Esteemed Secretary General Secretary of Pax Christi,

we have received your Reaction on our article “Thoughts of Caucasian journalists”, but we are surprised art it.

There was not a single word against you personally, dear Mr. Gio De Weerd in our article. We highly appreciate activities of Pax Christi, therefore we see no grounds for agitation.

When publishing the “Thoughts”, the Union of Caucasian Journalists (currently: Corporation of Journalists “The Free Caucasus”) had the single aim to unmask a group of swindlers.

We hoped our information was taken into consideration. Unfortunately you took it for menacing us with a lawsuit. However we have pointed out in the “Thoughts” that Tina Ismailova was an impostor, when she named herself President of the Association of Chechens in Belgium. At the same time, her associate Ramzan Ampukaev was a criminal who had provoked a bloody conflict in the capital of Chechenia, we wrote.

Ampukaev was announced searched by the Office of Public Prosecutor of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. We are ready to prove this with facts at legal proceedings.


Corporation of Journalists “The Free Caucasus”



Unie van Kaukasische Journalisten

Union of Caucasian Journalists

Союзу кавказских журналистов

Reactie op artikel “Bedenkingen van Kaukasische journalisten”, verschenen op 23 mei 2006 op The Free Caucasus (

Antwerpen, 14 juni 2006

Geachte Unie van Kaukasische Journalisten,

Samen met de verschillende diensten van Pax Christi Vlaanderen hebben wij het artikel “Bedenkingen van Kaukasische journalisten”, verschenen op 23 mei 2006 op The Free Caucasus besproken. Wij zijn zeer teleurgesteld over de inhoud van het artikel en de stijl waarin uw journalisten analyses ten berde brengen die kant noch wal raken. Wij beschouwen dit artikel als schadelijk voor ons vredeswerk en voor onze reputatie.

Als Algemeen Secretaris duld ik niet dat de medewerkers van Pax Christi Vlaanderen op deze manier in diskrediet worden gebracht. Bij een volgende maal zal ik niet nalaten juridische stappen te overwegen wegens smaad en laster.


Gio De Weerd

Algemeen Secretaris


Reaction on the article “Thoughts of Caucasian Journalists”, published on 23 May 2006 on The Free Caucasus (

Antwerp, 14 June 2006

Dear Union of Caucasian Journalists,

Together with several departments of Pax Christi Flanders we have discussed the article “Thoughts of Caucasian Journalists”, published on 23 May 2006 on The Free Caucasus. We are very disappointed with the contents and the style of the article. Your journalist bring analyses that are totally preposterous. We consider that this article damages our peace work and our reputation.

As General Secretary I do not tolerate that staff members of Pax Christi Flanders are discredited in this way. Next time I will not hesitate to consider juridical steps because of libel and defamation of character.

Yours sincerely,

Gio De Weerd

General Secretary

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