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Chechenpress: Freedom Is Always Legitimate!

posted by FerrasB on July, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

June, 23, 2006

Freedom is always legitimate!


Dedicated to Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev, Man and President…

The Russian political and military leadership has committed its latest heinous crime – the president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev, was killed on 17 June 2006 in the town of Argun in the Chechen Republic. In 10 years, from 1996 to 2006, the Kremlin regime has now killed four presidents of the independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. And this may well not be the last victim on the road to the freedom and independence of the Chechens.

Are 250,000 human lives, four dead presidents and the devastation of the country of the Chechens not too high a price to pay for Chechen freedom and independence? And what of international democratic society, that very society that at one time had to defend its own national sovereignties? Perhaps the concepts of freedom and independence have already been forgotten or become incomprehensible to the rest of humanity? It doesn’t seem so. Then it is all the more strange – why does humanity, which holds dear a sense of compassion and high human ideals, keep absolutely silent about the Chechen tragedy? Why does this humanity not demand justice for the Kremlin criminals, whose monstrous evil knows no bounds?

Mankind is the best creation of the Almighty and every person, regardless of creed or colour, bears the genetic code, the core of which is freedom – that human precept that is essential to the progress of Humanity. We are told of high human ideals by the Holy Scriptures that serve as the foundation of the most important international legal documents, on the basis of which any nation or people, including the Chechens, can and should defend their national sovereignty, including by force of arms. This final conclusion leads to the only logical corollary – the absolute legitimacy of all the leaders of the struggling Chechen people, beginning with Imam Mansur and ending with President Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev.

And it is in no way the fault of the Chechens that in recent times high human ideals have become a bargaining chip for the leaders of the international community, who in exchange for material benefits are ready to serve, or be slaves to, the Kremlin monster. The citizens of the countries of the international democratic community must demand an answer from those of their politicians who try to subvert common human values and build friendship with criminal leaders whose place is in the dock.

And the road of the struggle of Chechen Presidents Dzhokhar Dudayev, Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev, Aslan Maskhadov, Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev – this is without any doubt the road of the just, as freedom and independence were and remain the highest value of True People, to whom the Chechen leaders have the honour of belonging! Their lives and their struggle are not in vain – their names are already imprinted in History! They will be an example to their descendants!

Dala deqal voyla x1o, Abdul-X1alim! (May God bless you, Abdul-Khalim!)

Dala x1an G1azot qobal doyla! (May the Almighty accept your Holy Battle!)

Mayrbek Taramov,
Representative of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria in the Kingdom of Sweden

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