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Adygeanatpress: IА REGNUM Correspondent’s Father Severely Beaten In KCR

posted by FerrasB on May, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

  IА REGNUM correspondent’s father severely beaten in KCR

On May 11th about 8 o'clock in the morning in the capital of Karachaevo-Circassia Cherkessk in a courtyard of the house some unknown persons beat Gukemuhov Muhamed Abubakarovich - father of IА REGNUM correspondent Murat Gukemuhov. Presumably the attackers stroke the victim with a baseball bat. Muhamed Abubakarovich is hospitalized with crisis of temporal bone and break of eye surface.

As Murat Gukemuhov told IА REGNUM edition, on the eve in the evening unknown person called to his father and said: "We know each other, I should talk to you, but not by phone. It concerns one publication". The called suggested to meet at 8.00 a.m. in a courtyard of the house where in due time Muhamed Gukemuhov came out and was severely beaten.

IА REGNUM has information that recently Murat Gukemuhov had received some veiled threats, and some "commercial" offers from various interested parties in connection with publication of some criminal cases, in particular, "Kaitov’s case"; however he ignored them.

Now the law enforcement bodies of Karachaevo-Circassia have begun investigation of the incident.

Muhamed Gukemuhov is an authoritative scientist-agriculturist in republic, has no any relation to politics and business.


From AdygeaNatPress

Murat Gukemuhov is not only an employee of IА REGNUM, but also the Radio of Freedom, on Adygeyan language. He is the coordinator of the Caucasian Forum across Karachaevo-Circassia (international nongovernmental organization).


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