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Kavkaz-Center: The Arrest In Compliance Of The Order Of The Russian Embassy

posted by FerrasB on May, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

The arrest in compliance of the order of the russian embassy

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The arrest in compliance of the order of the russian embassy
In last time it seems to me that all their brave democratic peace went finally mad. Moreover their illness is progressing now not for years but for months.
On 5 May in the midday the Swedish police officers burst into the office of the provider Company and brought away two servers pertaining to the Kavkaz-Center Agency. Later some Roswall who called himself the “International Prosecutor” (may be the Sweden prosecutor for “international relations with the Russian terrorists”?)  said to the juridical owner of the confiscated servers Mikhail Sturshe that this police officers brought away the servers in compliance with the order of the Russian Embassy that expressed its discontent with allegedly welcoming and approving successful military operation of the Caucasus Mujahideens against armed-to-the teeth Russian  terrorists and invaders in Nalchik. By the words the abovementioned operation was organized 10 months before the raid of police on confiscation of two servers.
Obviously Roswall carried out his own "military operation" according fully to recommendations of the Russian Embassy. That's why he chose the second half of Friday because he accounted obviously on evading questions of curious journalists until Monday at least.
According to conclusions of the Sweden Information Agency TT the Prosecutor's plan on protection of the tyranny committed by police through the method of escaping too loud noise appeared successful. When employees of the Agency called to Roswall for comments it turned out that he was not at his job place. He simply slipped away.
By my opinion this was a single deed of the Prosecutor that could be considered meaningful, meanwhile his other steps look like as the theatre of absurd and decay.
First of all I would like to ask Roswall, what law authorizes him for depriving me as a person of an access to free, true and objective information on current events in Caucasus, the exile state Russia and the world in whole. Who gave him such authorities? Bandits, spies, bloodthirsty murderers, criminals, butchers and international Mafia members laundering dirty money from so-called Embassy of Russia, to whom the major part of readers of "Kavkaz-Center" have not any relation. It turns out that this is so. Who entitled these residents of Russia in Sweden to order us what should we read or not to read?
And what law forbids to the Muslims of Kabardino-Balkaria being killed by the Russian special forces to satisfy with youth who rose against their butchers and punished them?
 Though I have not estimated personally the Nalchik events and preferred to hear assessments given by origin residents of Caucasus, I will dare to assure Roswall that I welcomed successes of the Caucasus fighters as real residents of Caucasus did. And does the Prosecutor forbid me to do this?
Does the Prosecutor know about crimes of the Putin’s death squads committed in Nalchik? If he does not know he should read reports of many human rights defense organizations.
Does know the Prosecutor that the liberation war against the Russian invaders goes on in Caucasus? The Russian bandits and terrorists welcome their successes in the war (by the way they as such fail); meanwhile all Caucasians exult at successes of their fighters in the war against the Russian aggressors. And this is usual practice for all times and peoples. Nobody has forbidden peoples of warring sides to rejoice at their victories. However Roswall decided to break the ancient traditions of Sweden that keeps neutrality n the Caucasus-Russian war, to forbid natural human feelings and become a laughingstock for the whole world. It seems to me that there are some symptoms of irregularity in his behaviour.
The fact that the Swedish Prosecutor executes orders of the Russian Embassy looks like as a real madness.
 May be Roswall does not know that the Russian diplomatic missions have been bases of the Russian terrorists used by the Kremlin murderers for carrying out terrorist actions as in Qatar wherein the former President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria was killed as a result of terrorist action organized by means of the Russian Embassy in this country? May be explosives were transferred to the Russian Embassy in Stockholm via the diplomatic mail (as in Qatar) and the terrorist group of “GRU” makes preparations for committing a new crime?
But what would undertake Roswall if this Russian Embassy stated falsely and emptily as always that some resident of a western country is a terrorist for them?
According to actions of the prosecutor in respect to servers he will arrest this man, keep him for about five years in democratic torture chamber, hammering out required recognitions and then pull to court. (For example so-called case of the Chechen cells in France). According to the world outlook of Roswall and his actions directed against the servers of the Kavkaz-Center our forecasts are not so far from the mark.
Common stand of neutral Sweden is very strange as well. As Mikael Sturshe noted quite correctly, the police raid against the servers of the Kavkaz-Center was committed with full connivance of the Swedish authorities for insulting Islam through so-called cartoons of the Profit Mohammed in democratic press of Sweden. Moreover the Swedish foreign minister had to retire only for a hint at discontent with this anti-Islamic publication dropped by one of simple employees of the Ministry. Is it really neutrality?
In conclusion I would like to tell Roswall that the bandit-terrorist formation Russia has fought for many years against the Kavkaz-Center Agency because the latter is just Islamic Agency. Not only Muslims and Christians supporting the Islamic fighters think so. The Moscow writer and atheist by the way Limonov who is well known in the Democratic West called directly Russia as a devilish country.
But a question arises, who has entitled the Swedish Prosecutor to act in accordance with orders of these devils and break rights of international community for objective information being provided by the servers of Kavkaz-Center. And when will these unlawful actions have finished?
Dmitriy Orlov,
Permanent reader of Kavkaz-Center
Letters Department.
2006-05-12 14:24:30

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