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Aljazeera: Belarus Detainees 'On Hunger Strike'

posted by FerrasB on April, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

31.3.2006 14:13 MSK
"Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs must support Russians arrested in Belarus"
RUSSIA, Moscow. On March 30th, the public movements "Russian Radicals" and "Defense" conducted an action opposite the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (MID) demanding that MID support Russians arrested in Belarus. They were arrested during the suppression of a democratic opposition nonviolent protest against the falsification of results of presidential elections in Belarus.

Editor-in-Chief of PRIMA-News Agency, Aleksandr Podrabinek and coordinators of "Defense", Oleg Kozlovsky and Edward Glezin, were detained on March 24th with the break-up of a peaceful meeting in Minsk’s October Square on March 27th. They were sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest.

"Russian Radicals" secretary Nikolai Khramov noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia did not express objections to the fact that the Belarussian authorities arrested journalist Aleksandr Podrabinek and sentenced him to 15 days of administrative arrest. MID not only did not support the Russian citizens arrested in Minsk, but also came out with attacks against them, he stated. MID must know that in Russia there are people, who oppose their power, emphasized the secretary of "Russian Radicals".

"Defense" coordinator Nikolai Zboroshenko told a correspondent of PRIMA-News that he saw Kozlovsky, Gleziny, and Podrabinek when they were transferred to the Okrestina Street station in Minsk. Zboroshenko reported that the prisoners are doing well.

Participants in the action, more than 200 people, shouted: "Free political prisoners!", "Long live Belarus!", "Russia! Freedom! Down with Lukashenko!", "Bring them home!" Kozlovsky to Moscow!", "Lavrov! Go!".

They carried posters reading: "Lukashenko spits - MID wipes?", "MID’s reaction supports repressions", " End support for the Belarussian dictator", “Free the Russians arrested in Minsk ", "Lavrov’s done his work! – Lavrov can leave! "In MID there are no patriots!” A poster with the picture of Lavrov read: “Take him to court!". A poster with a picture of Aleksandr Podrabinek read: "Russian journalist in the Belarussian prison: MID's not against it?".

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2006-03-30-Bel-21]

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