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Itar-Tass: British National Deported From Ingushetia

posted by FerrasB on April, 2006 as Freedom and Fear


British national deported from Ingushetia

10.04.2006, 15.51

MOSCOW, April 10 (Itar-Tass) - A British national, who has been arrested in Ingushetia, polled local residents, introducing himself as a staff member of the United Nations Organization, a representative of the press service of the Federal Migration Service of Russia told Itar-Tass on Monday.

“During the arrest the foreigner presented documents of a U.N. staff member to the police, which happened to be forged,” he continued.

According to the information of the law enforcement agencies, Andrew Robert Harker, British national, came to Moscow on March 30, but did not get registered. Instead he went on a trip about the Northern Caucasus. “According to local residents, he polled people living in those areas and collected information about the situation in the region,” the official said.

Officers of the Migration Service arrested Harker at the Kaskad checkpoint on Sunday night, when he was going to cross the administrative border between Ingushetia and Chechnya. The examination of his documents made it clear that the detainee had violated the rules of the stay of foreigners on the Russian territory.

“After coming to Moscow, he was to get registered within three days either at the place of residence of his hosts, or in a hotel where he was accommodated. There is no mark in his migration card about the registration,” the official stressed.

The Nazran district court ruled that the British national should leave Russia within three days. “Besides, he will pay a 1,000-rouble fine, and a mark has been made in his passport, which says that he is not allowed to visit Russia for the coming five years,” the official said in conclusion.

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